Willfully waiting Wes

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Osaka, Japan
Hello everyone! Thanks for the kind and warm welcome to the forums! :)

I had my meeting with the surgeon (Dr. Kobayashi) this morning and everything went well. To my surprise, he'd lived in the States for 3 years, working at a hospital in Chicago and doing cardiovascular research at the University of Alabama. Boy did that make me feel so much better! We spent most of the time talking about the differences in surgery between the U.S. and Japan. Apparently, Japanese people's bodies are quite different, and he told me the INR range is between 1.2 and 1.8 over here! Luckily, he's going to treat me differently from the others and put me at the more comfortable 2.0 to 3.0 INR range. Oh, and he was very flexible with the type of valve. (I chose the On-x valve immediately).

All of my questions were answered and I feel so much more at ease. Unfortunately, Dr. Kobayashi couldn't give me an exact surgery date, but put me on the waiting list for the operation. If all goes well then I will have the AVR before the end of October. I'm sure I'll be posting a ton of questions between now and then. For some strange reason, I'm not feeling the least bit nervous about the operation. I must still be in the denial phase, right? I'm sure it will all change when I get admitted to the hospital (the rule in Japan is to admit patients 4 to 5 days BEFORE surgery. I'm sure the anticipation will cause a lot of sleepless nights before the actual operation!)
So glad you had such a successful and reassuring visit with the surgeon, Wes. The waiting IS the hard part, but it sounds like you are in excellent hands!
Wes, sounds like all is on track. I found the best pre-surgery medicine is to stay occupied. Work, fun or some type of service work helped keep my focus off of my up coming surgery. God speed.
I'm glad to hear you've found a surgeon you are comfortable and confident in. I found waiting for the actual date hard as I couldn't really plan anything too far in advance. Once you get the date, things will be set in motion. In the interim, keep busy and enjoy yourself. Best wishes.
I'm glad the meeting with the surgeon went well. If he trained at UAB, then I am sure you are in good hands!:)
When you receive a surgery date, please let us know so we can put you on the VR surgery calendar.
Take care!:)
Welcome! It sure does sound like you're in the right hands. I'd be very curious to hear the reasoning behind the 1.2 - 1.8. In the states 1.0 is a normal INR for someone not on ACT. Basically, with the variance margin in INR testing 1.2 is really considered a normal INR for someone not on ACT and a .6 range is really hard to maintain. Maybe Al Lodwick has insight on this.

Anyway.....:D Best wishes with your procedure.

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