Will I be okay with this Black Eye?

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Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Yep, I did it! Gave myself a black eye today. Its starting to look rather pretty. Swollen, purple at the corner of the eye and working down beside the nose. Saw the doc, went for blood work (what a perfect time to have my own monitor :mad:) should have the results soon.

I hit my cheek bone dead center and applied ice right away. Doc said not to do any lifting or bending for the next few days and to keep the ice on for about 15 minutes at a time for the following 3 hours - that's been done. Also I'm to watch to see if 'the swelling gets bigger' after 3 hours and to call. :confused:

QUESTION: will this swelling be soft or hard if blood is pooling around the impact area? Or maybe I'm worrying about nothing. (Wish I had a doc that could speak english - I went to a walk in clinic.) But I thought you wise folks could give me a better understanding what I should look out for.

Oh yea, received a beautiful stone in the windshield on my way home from the doctors. Not sure what really hurts most.....my eye or the cost of replacing the windshield. And its not even the 13th yet :)
Thanks for reading
Did it affect your vision at all? Did the impact hit the eyeball? If so, you should go to the ER and have it checked out. Don't fool around with your eyes.

Is there any chance the impact could cause a clot in or around your optic nerve?
I found Blanches thread: it was in October 2007 in Small Talk.
The title is " A big black eye and some scrapes". Lots of good reading there.
I'm hoping your bruise is not too serious, please rest. If in doubt go to ER.
hey Nancy, eye is okay. No red spots and vision is good.
Just had my nieghbor over, she's an ER nurse and recommended more ice since the purple is no longer at the corner of my eye.......its moved down towards the cheek bone.

Thanks Bina, I'll look into that once I'm up again - I'm down with ice
Oh dear...you must look gorgeous...Glad your neighbour was able to offer advice in English!...I have averted many disasters with the aid of ice...its the first thing I reach for whenever there is an injury.

Hope you heal well.

Got a really good black eye in Feb. 2005, I think it was. I had bronchitis and merely coughed, well, it was a hacking cough.
Minutes later, a friend asked what I had done to my face.

The blood began pooling pretty bad -- I could feel it under the skin between my nose and left eye. It spread within hours. Had to wear sunglasses for several weeks because it was so bad.

Took about 6-7 weeks for it to all disappear.

BTW, makeup was pointless.
This is what my eye looks like NOW. It was quite swollen when I first woke up this morning, so I'm applying more ice every 20 minutes or so. :cool:

Hey Ross, is this thread worth something NOW???:D
This thread is worthless without pics! :cool:

Ross.. I think her Black Eye looks like this...


Its seems that I can't download the picture into "manage attachments", but I'm still trying.

Yes my eye looks something like that, only its a dark red not black
Just tell people you were trying to help a little old lady across the street when a guy tried to mug her and you got the best of him.

That reminds me... when I was in grade school, the kids used to always ask me about the large scar on my side from my OHS. I used to tell them some goofy story like "I was trying to help someone when X, Y and Z happened". They would always go from mocking me for the scar to the "wow" phase.
That does'nt look to bad Freddie!! Just keep that good old ice pack on it and it should clear up pretty good. Keep a pair of sunglasses handy when you go out side. :cool: Next time don't hang around with that bad crowd.:D
Marsha, do you remember if your INR was safely in range when that happened?

It was about 4.0-4.5. I had had a shot of steroid for the bronchitis, which caused my INR to bump up.

HOWEVER -- I have always broken blood vessels around & in my eyes whenever I have coughed or vomited -- even BC (Before Coumadin). Sometimes I could have been a poster child for Measles. :eek: