Who Let The Pigs In?

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Too funny!!! Would you believe we only have basic cable, and our computer hookup and our monthly rate is about $87 buckos!!!I do love the optonline.net, it's WAY fast, but for basic cable we pay about $60 a month.....sick, huh???

I'd love to have your ISP! They are the fastest available. Not sure it's worth all that money, but still....

Our Basic is $45 and Road Runner another $45, so I'd say we compare, but I still think we're being raped.
Be carefull about the term "Basic" cable. You'd think that it would be the cable company's lowest-cost service, but it usually isn't. My particular cable company provides "Basic" service for about $40.00, but they also provide "Lifeline" service, currently for $10.08 (it's been as high as $11.12).

I'm sure the cable company thinks they're very clever marketing "lifeline" service - a service that provides the absolute bare minimum for survival. I like to think they're smarter than they think marketing "lifeline" service - a service that keeps me from drowning in the junk programming that comes with "basic" service. ;)

As for the computer hookup, I have a HUGE chip on my shoulder about my cable company's past service indescretions, so I subscribe to my phone company's ADSL service, for $41.95. It's plenty fast for me, and they just increased the speed, free of charge, to keep up with the cable company's top speed. Of course, you may not have DSL service available in your area, or you may have a HUGE chip on your shoulder about your phone company's past service indescretions...
cable verses satellite

cable verses satellite

Last month I finally got fed up with comcast cable. My cable kept going out. Once or twice it was out all day long and it wasn't weather related. They said they were doing upgrades in our area. Well I had had enough. We were already paying 40.00 a month for expanded basic. We called direct tv. For only 10.00 more a month we get 135 channels AND all local channels. I would love to get the sattelite internet but we're already in a contract with Sbc for DSL. I really do like the sattelite though. The picture is a lot more clear and I get music channels. The instulation and equiptment were free and we ended up getting three receivers. We put splitters on two receivers so that all tvs are hooked up.
After reading your posts maybe I am glad we live so far out in the boonies we don't get cable so rely on satellite, but it isn't cheap either. We have the "basic" pkg. and a sports line so we can get the races, Speed Channel and Outdoor network. $50 give or take a month.

I did a little research on sattelite internet for my parents, who thought they might like it for their "cabin in the woods" in Western, NC (no cable service, no DSL). We had a few concerns:

1) The high cost of the initial equipment installation - you need a special (and somewhat larger) two-way sattelite dish, and it must be installed by a special FCC-licensed technician, because you're getting into the "sending" side of sattelite technology, which is still tightly regulated - AND you need a special "piggyback" connection off of your data link for your TV link

2) The high cost of ongoing service - you actually subscribe from a sattelite data service company, who agrees to bundle (or "multiplex") the signal from your TV service company into your package (think "another layer of middleman")

3) Your data connection would suffer the same transmission problems that your TV connection does - I've heard anecdotally that rain and snow can adversely affect your signal.

In short, sattelite data may only make sense if you have no other choice but dial-up, you can't live with dial-up speeds, and you can afford the high price of sattelite service. Of course, some people like the "cool" factor, and others already have sattelite TV and like the idea of a single provider. I've heard rumors that my local electrical company is working on internet service over our power lines, and I suppose other power companies are at least investigating the same thing, so you may have a third (or fourth) choice soon.

If you're unhappy with SBC, check the details of your contract: it may give you the option to terminate without a fee if you return the DSL equipment they gave you.


It really isn't that I don't like the DSL (believe me It's tons better than dial-up) but direct tv has a channel that shows the sattelite internet. It just looked interesting. But then again it IS their commercial. I am satisfied with DSL. The download time amazes me. What used to take as long as 45 minutes takes just a couple with DSL. I didn't realize all the things I could do with the computer until I got DSL because I didn't want to wait for downloads. It really has opened up a lot of options for me. I never played games on the computer, now I am always downloading games. Even watching videos on the internet. It really is kind of neat. I used to download songs of of Kaaza (I don't anymore. It was letting to many unwelcome things into my computer AND its illegal) and they would sometimes take 15 minutes. After I got the DSL it took about 30 secs to download a song. That is a huge difference.


In Peru, Il we have Insight cable and internet. $88.00 a month for both. Now they are taking off some channels. Poop.
We fought getting cable TV for years and finally caved a year ago. This was because WOW, in our area, was offering a cable tv/modem special. We had AT& T cable modem. Did some negotiating and threatening and got Comcast tv and modem (which used to be AT&T) for $58/mo for a year. Our year is about up and it goes up to $89. Thinking of calling and doing some more negotiating.

When I first called Comcast(AT&T) a year ago and told them I was switching to WOW, they said "Fine, see you later." I was so totally shocked because when you call to cancel, they usually switch you to a Save Team. I have a friend who is a mover and shaker in the area for Comcast and told her about it. She was shocked and said "Let me look into this for you." I got a call back and a good deal.

Everyone is so competitive now, they should be willing to deal if you call and tell them you are thinking of changing. But then you might get someone like I did the first time I called.
Time Warner Cable RULES were I'm at. I wish so badly that some competition would debunk these people, but I don't think it'll ever happen. I'm too far away for DSL and dial up just plain stinks, so I'm stuck.


rules where I am at. We were paying 15.00 more a month for less channels then those who live in the next town. Comcast bought out AT&T last year. The rates didn't go up because they were already sky high. It stinks when one company has a monopoly on an aea.
I serve on the local cable television advisory board.

We do franchise negotiations with the cable company and handle all sorts of issues regarding cable service in the area.....

Don't get me started on my thoughts about cable television service.....

Buy a dish!


You don't even have to buy the dish anymore. Most sattelite companies are offering to give you the dish and the receivers and in some cases a dvr like tivo for nothing. Also instulation is free. My total cost 49.64 a month. It's worth it to me.
oneway vs twoway

oneway vs twoway

I started with twoway internet service with Starband via Dish network. It was one of the worse customer service experiences of my life! First the tech that came out to install the dish(as Dale said you not allowed by the FCC to install it yourself because it transmits a signal) and he couldn't even aim the dish at the right satellite. I had to show him the proper direction with my big dish
that I installed myself back in the early eighties. When the jerk finally left he forget to tighten the set screws that hold the dish in the proper direction. The service was never "as fast as" advertise
and they wouldn't guarantee a minimun baud rate. Very often in a test, it wouldn't beat my dial-up ISP in a search test. Some times in the middle of the day, it would just stop. If the wind blew it off
direction, they wanted to charge $150.00 to a their "tech" peak it.
Starband charged $600.00 for equipment and installation, you have to sign a year contract at $70.00/month. After six months
of their "service", I shut the whole thing off and sent them a check
for the balance of my contract. Then I sent the president of the company a nasty letter and reported them to the BBB.
I signed up for oneway service( using my current ISP they add
code at my end my uploads through serial port device which directs the downloads to my 12 GHZ satellite dish feed which comes through
the same serial port- amazing, but it works) and I really haven't had any compliants. It is never as fast as advertised- but nothing ever is these days. Out in the country, it is our only choice.
If you go wireless, get a minimum guaranteed BPS written
in to your contract.
STARBAND-B A D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we moved into our house last year, we had no choice but to switch companies. Unfortunately, the only cable company that is available out in the boonies where I live is comcast. So when they raised our rates this year without telling us, we checked out direct tv, and when we asked them how much it costs for the recievers, they said it was $50.00 a peice per month. They have that 3 rooms free thing, and so we thought it would be a good deal. Not at that price! that's over $200 a month! Thanks but I'll stick with my $92.00 a month. I have DSL internet through sprint.

I had a few problems with it going out when they were reconstructing it, but my biggest problem was the way that they would park in my pariking area(I have a rather large parking area here) bloack me in, or when I would come home for work, I would be blocked out with their cones! I got pretty mad! I had to call like 5 times to get them out of my driveway! Amazing, it wasn't just them......So many people take advantage of the average person, although they are average themselves...



We have Comcast and have tinkered with the idea of a dish.
Yes, right.. not at those prices! $50 a month for each receiver, ouch.

What kind of channel line up do you have for $92? I reduced to one movie channel and pay somewhere around $70 for the works. Kinds of crazy. Not much of a TV watcher. It's usually background noise in our house:p
Gina and Joy

Gina and Joy

Direct tv is running a special right now but I don't know if you the company is offering the same deal in your area. all the equiptment and instulation is free (when I did it a month ago it was for three receivers and now they have gone to four free receivers) and you only pay 50.00 a month for service. In fact I believe they dropped the price even more and added one more receiver. I know because I did it. After my year contract it may go up five bucks a month or so. It really is worth it. Here is the link. http://www.rapidsatellite.com/Default.aspx

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