hello all, im brand new here,,and sooooo glad i found this place!i am almost 49 year old male,, i had my aortic replaced in 1999 (when i was 42) and apparently now am getting very close to having the mitrol also replaced, after the last operation because of some problem with my hospital i ended up with internal bleeding, they refused to check my INR enough , i almost died , which doesnt happen with 99 percent of the people(so i hope im not scarying anyone) but what i want to know is if anyone has more than one artificial valve in their heart,,im needing to know what life is like with more than one, the recovering time, abilty to work, ect,,i would greatly appreciate any information,,id be glad to relay any also if i can help anyone,,since i did have trouble i have more knowledge now how to avoid trouble,,anxious to hear from you!