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When in doubt, send the man a PM or email. Sometimes people feel that no one misses them and they just disappear. We just did that with RVusa and he's back.
I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been super busy. Lets see.... September 2009 I received a full scholarship to attend the Washington School of Photography and have been bustin my butt working full time and going to school at night. Flash forward to Christmas last year. Found out that baby number 4 for me and 2 for my wifey is being worked on in a remote assembly plant someplace near Kim ( my wife). March 25 my Father passed away, July 1st my Step mom passed and then July 15 my grand mother passed. I switched jobs twice and still hate my career. But on the health note as an experiment the docs took me off Revatio and echoed me. My pressures held stable. They were hoping for my pulmonary pressure to drop into the 70s wich for me would be just a tick past half of what I was pre op. Well I was at 50. WOOOOOOHOOOO!!!! I was just tested 3 weeks ago and they have dropped to 45 and the other little slice of pie is my heart is starting to shrink. I am a miracle. The only thing that sucks is the doctors say I'm "Normal". I really liked being "Un" Normal. So baby is due September 21st her name will be Genevieve Grace after our Paternal Grandmothers. Oh and I got another Tattoo to see if I could. And go figure I didn't bleed out. I just finnished ordering my portfolio and hve 3 nights of classes left so I should be back here for a while now. If you guys are interested check out my website. www.eckleyimages.com. It's pretty basic right now but it should be improving soon.
Wheww that was alot.
I didn't know you had gone anywhere Ghon since I see you on a regular basis on Facebook. Having said that, somehow I did miss the news about Genevieve Grace. That's a beautiful name, and I'm sure she will be a beautiful girl.
ah ha , he's back.
Happy to hear most things have gone well for you, Congrats.
Now maybe I can find out if you ever got my thank-you gift.
So, what have you been doing in your spare time? :)

Happy to hear your health and career are going so well.
Sorry for the sadness.
Good to 'see you'.
Yes I got the gift but as you can see spare time is at a premium at my house. School for me is over in 3 weeks and I plan on taking a "ME" weekend and get caught up on everything. Right now I'm working on promoting another chili cook off. The Maryland State cook off is coming up on the 28th. I met a little boy named Noah that we can all relate to. He needs a Heart Transplant and is one of the coolest kids I've ever met. I was able to get the chairman of the cook off to name him our charity. All of the proceeds will go to him and his family to help offsets the mountain of bills. If you guys are interested in readin his story let me know and I will post the adress to the foundation that is helping him.