Where do you get your test strips and how much?

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Raytel changed to Philips recently and dropped our insurace coverage which is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI does not have another provider of the test strips.

Does anyone out there have their blue cross cover the strips and where are you ordering them from?

Where is the best place to order the test stips from?

I have the INRATIO by hemosense

QAS is about the only other place I know that might deal with your insurance company. Shoot them an email from their site at www.ptinr.com or call them at Tel: 1-800-563-5680 and if that doesn't pan out, call Hemosense and ask them at--- If you still have questions call:
1-877-436-6444 x5
or email: [email protected]
QAS is the only place that i know of as well. they are out of florida and they get to you pretty quickly.
Where do you get your test strips and how much

Where do you get your test strips and how much

I have the same machine as yours. Last time I checked QAS wanted $156.00 for 12 strips Raytel cost $92.00 which included shipping to the west coast. I submitted the bill to my insurance and they reimbursed me less my co-pay as Raytel didn't except ATENA.
I get mine from www.claflinequipment.com, but you have to have your medical authorization faxed by your doctor. I paid $248 for 48 strips. I test weekly.
I didn't bother with the insurance co, as it would just come off my $3000 deductible anyway, if it even counted.

Philips/Raytel still has my insurance messed up from earlier this year, so I bought my machine outright from clalflin.
thanks for the info,, I am working with QAS ans waiting to hear back from them.

we shall see
If you don't hear back from whomever at QAS, call again and ask to speak to Lance Visnich. He'll make sure your taken care of.
I buy my strips here:


I pay for them ($199 for 48 strips) then submit the receipts to my insurance company for partial reimbursement.

I found this to be the least expensive place to buy the strips. I order them on-line and they arrive within 2 days!
On a 48 pack what is the typical expiration date of the slides from the time you receive or open them?

i have only ordered 12 packs since my levels are pretty steady i test about every 3 to 4 weeks.

On a 48 pack what is the typical expiration date of the slides from the time you receive or open them?

i have only ordered 12 packs since my levels are pretty steady i test about every 3 to 4 weeks.


A brand new box of 48 is usually about 10 months until expiration.
I buy my strips here:


I pay for them ($199 for 48 strips) then submit the receipts to my insurance company for partial reimbursement.

I found this to be the least expensive place to buy the strips. I order them on-line and they arrive within 2 days!
I checked out their prices. They offer the INRatio monitor at a great price too!
I have been very pleased with their products and their servce can't be beat! My strips have usually been dated close to a year out. I test every week, just because I can!
A day late and a dollar short!

A day late and a dollar short!

I checked out express medical's site too. If I had gone to them last year when we bought a new INRatio monitor. I could have saved $600. Wow!!! These are the best prices I have seen anywhere. We paid for our own monitor and we continue to pay for our own supplies.

I can't shed too many tears over this because we do love our INRatio and it has been good to us since September 2007.

And 2 years ago, Orsini Medical (the "in-network provider that QAS found for me)l charged our insurance about $5500 for my INRatio! (When QAS listed retail around $2500!) Orsini then tried to collect a 10% co-pay from me on the $5500. I told them I'd do a co-pay on the 2500 and no more. They accepted that. Up until last year when apparently BC/BS wised up and decided that QAS was in-network, Orsini was charging them $350 for a box of 12 strips. 12, not 48!!!

And we wonder why insurance costs are so high. I called BC/BS and tried to explain they were getting ripped off. They didn't care. They just said "That's the agreement we have worked out with Orsini." I told them they had better not suddenly decide my supplies weren't covered anymore.