When should I start cardiac rehab?

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Does anyone know when I should start cardiac rehab? I'm 13 days post-op and have been walking 2-3 times a day at 15 minutes or so each time (plus doing other small chores that will help build stamina). My doc has recommended cardiac rehab, but I'm not sure when I'm supposed to start it. Just wanted to see when others started.

Thanks in advance for the help!
I had to get a prescription for cardiac rehab. You could ask your card or surgeon at your next appointment how you get into rehab, or call the hospital and ask their rehab people how to get in, and also when.
Best I recall, I didn't start til 3 or 4 months after surgery. HOWEVER, that was because I had to be on a waiting list for a while to get in. I agree, contact your cardio about getting a prescription and see if your insurance will cover it. I found it very helpful. Of course you can get back into exercise in other ways -- a walking regimen is great.
The usual recommendation for Cardiac Rehab is anytime after 6 weeks post-op. You may want to get an Rx sooner than that if there is a 'waiting list'.

'AL Capshaw'
At my 4-week post-surgery visit to my cardiologist this morning, she said she recommends starting rehab at about 12 weeks post-surgery because that's when the sternum is considered healed.
Until then, my guideline is "walk until you get tired, then go home and rest. Try to do a little more each day."
Thanks for the help...

Thanks for the help...

I appreciate the feedback that everyone gave. I really appreciate it.

Have a great day!
My doc gave me a scrip for rehab at my 4 week checkup (last week). I'm still trying to find a good place near my house to do it. I'm also taking up T'ai Chi :)

I had to really bug my doc for the scrip though. They usually don't prescribe it as some insurance companies won't cover it for valve repair. Luckily, mine does.

Although I'm not sure what good it will do me as I'm not allowed to let my heart rate get over 100 and I can't lift more than 20 lbs... I guess anything is better than nothing.

Good Luck!
I joined the local rehab program at 4 weeks and have been going three times a week now for the past 3 months. I really enjoy it and would recommend to anyone able.

DebbyA said:
At my 4-week post-surgery visit to my cardiologist this morning, she said she recommends starting rehab at about 12 weeks post-surgery because that's when the sternum is considered healed.
Until then, my guideline is "walk until you get tired, then go home and rest. Try to do a little more each day."

While it is true that 12 weeks are usually needed for the sternum to be 100% healed, it is my understanding that it reaches 85% of it's strength by 6 weeks post-op and controlled exercises are safe when kept within guidelines from your surgeon or cardiologist.

'AL Capshaw'


My local hospital usually requires patients be at six weeks post-op before entering the rehab program. They weren't sure what to think when my cardio doc told the supervising nurse he wanted me in the program at two weeks post-op.

hey man, good for U

hey man, good for U

I started about 3 weeks to a month after surgery and it got me on the program and i haven't looked back, to the gym 3 times a week no matter what, exercise the other 4 days. and i feel great!
cardiac rehab

cardiac rehab

My doc also had me start about a month post-op. So far, it's been a real asset physically and mentally. It's always comforting to see your progress and be able to push yourself with medical staff nearby. Maybe I just worry too much, but I'm much more willing to push myself in the rehab environment.

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