when do I need to worry?

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ski girl

Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
I've had a mechanical valve for just over a year now and my INR is a very stable 3.0 +/- 0.1 - i.e. I am the model of INR perfection. :cool:

I'm back to my normal active lifestyle and back into mountain biking, with considerable caution. However, all the caution in the world doesn't make up for a lack of skills and badly-placed rocks . . . I fall off at least once every ride and have the bruises to show for it.

So my question is - when do I worry about the dangers of internal bleeding (or any other dangers!) from my ungraceful departures from my bike, and need to report to the hospital?

Obviously I wear a helmet and if I ever hit my head even with the helmet I'd toddle off to the hospital, but what about general bruises??

This is a matter best discussed with a professional. I bruise myself freqently without implications. As time goes on though the occurrence of bruising has lessened.
Congratulations for embracing life and living to the full.
I've had a mechanical valve for just over a year now and my INR is a very stable 3.0 +/- 0.1............. So my question is - when do I worry about the dangers of internal bleeding (or any other dangers!) from my ungraceful departures from my bike, and need to report to the hospital?

WOW.....for maintaining an INR of 2.9-3.1. My diet, activities, etc have never allowed me to be that consistent. I am very happy with 3.0 +/-0.5. I apply the same reasoning to "internal bleeding (or any other dangers)" that a non-ACT person should apply. If a bruise doesn't fade away or I have other symptons that might indicate internal bleeding, I would seek medidcal advice......I have never had this happen......yet. If you maintain a good ACT program and use "common sense" there is little reason to expect an outcome a lot different from a non-ACT person.
Ice, ice and more ice.
After an impact, a bruise will always get larger in size. If it gets a little larger than a quarter apply ice.
I've had a beautiful black eye (the red/purple kind) and applied ice every hour for 20 minutes for four days. Of course I went to see the doctor within an hour of it happening and those were the instructions and headed off to the lab to get the INR checked, which was good - meaning I was within range.

Oh, I've also had stitches since being on warfarin.

When your not sure, apply ice and head for the doctor.
Well interestingly, this weekend I managed to get a hard hit to my head AND a large cut on my shin! I went to the hospital for the bump on the head (hit by a kayak in the surf zone) and they were very unimpressed and said I was fine. Two days later, no bruising at all.

Yesterday I took a jump on my mountain bike and as I landed my foot slipped off the pedal, which rebounded into my shin. There was definitely more blood than I'd expect if I wasn't on warfarin, and I've got some very attractive bruising - but overall I've learned that being on warfarin is really not that big of a deal in terms of sports injuries.

So far, anyway :)
Ski Girl, this post is awesome. I have been at INR 2.3 +/- .3 and I see a bit more bruising here and there after certain impacts with gym equipment, etc.. Bleeding is uneventful 20-24 seconds to clot instead of about 10-12 seconds.