I was a 2.4 on Thursday and was told to bump up an extra 2.5. However the following night was my 5mg dose so I figured I would end up high and tested again this morning. Last nights dose was 2.5. My range is 2.3-3.5. So this morning I test at 4.1 and of course I wasn't really suppose to test because the test date is in 3 weeks but I cheat and see what it is because I have my own tester hehe and I can This is a good thing! Now my dosing schedule is as follows. 2.5 everyday but Sun, Wed, Fri. where I take a 5mg. If I continue this dosing schedule wont my INR's just stay high. Like tonight....should I hold a dose since I am a 4.1. Just wondering.....AL any suggestions Sir?