What's your experiences with ICUs?

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Joe's in a splashy new ICU. I was able to get into his room yesterday in the morning, since he had just been admitted. He's been in the ICU at the same hospital (older version of it), and several other hospitals. I don't think the care in the splashy new unit matches the splashy new decor.

I found that his care was about the same as that on the regular floors, except he has more equipment attached, like a heart monitor, but the regular floors have heart monitors too.

While I was there for almost the entire day and evening, I found that his nursing care was not more intense and he was left for very long periods of time without anyone even looking in. He's on lots of pain meds, and is slipping in and out of a semi coma state. There are large windows in the front of his room, but his room is facing a wall, so no help there, unless a person wanders down into that particular ell of the unit. I even put on his call light several times, and it wasn't answered promptly. It was just the same as the regular floors, 15 to 20 minutes wait time.

Maybe they thought it was OK, since I was there to help him, which I did, of course. But what might have happened if I weren't there? He was so out of it, that he couldn't remember where the nurse call button was.

And, of course, the visiting hours are being curtailed like he is in prison. I understand that this is important so the family does not "get in the way". But I was hard pressed to figure out whose way I would have been getting into, since no one was paying any attention to him for long periods of time.

What experiences have you had?
I have to say I experienced just the opposite of you. My nurse was in charge of 2 patients only and her little desk area was right between me and another patient., She rarely left her desk except to get things for us. She bathed me everyday and all I had to do was say I hurt and the morphine was in my IV in a mastter of seconds. At first my wife was only allowed at certain times but then since I was there so long my wife would call direct to my nurse and she would let my wife come in. I'm sorry your having such a hard time especially since it is very lonely in ICU for your husband.
Each nurse in the OHS ICU at UAB had 2 patients as I recall.

It sounds like you need to speak with his admitting Doctor.

Is there a Patient Advocate or Patient Representative or some such title / function at this hospital?

I'm afraid it's only going to get WORSE until the Medical Care System(s) in this country collapse under the load.

'AL Capshaw'
Now, I'm getting mad! He's had much better care in ICU in the past. I called his nurse this morning at 9 AM. She had not even wakened him and had no answers for me about how he was or whether he was lucid. My guess is that she never went into the room.

If it continues today, someone is going to hear about it.

I think in this ICU, they have 4 patients to each nurse. That's not what I remember in any ICU he's been in.

I bet the costs are astronomical in there too.
Give em Hell Nancy!
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I am cheering for ya.
Sorry to hear about this inferior care. That's very upsetting. Fortunately, you are the last person we need to tell what to do in these circumstances. I'm with Randy - go get 'em.
At Boulder Community ICU, it was 1:1 with his nurse sitting right outside his room at all times. I don't think there was one instance where I came into the ICU and didn't see her sitting there and, if she wasn't there, she was in his room. We now know two people who have had AVR there and the care was the same.

Hey, Boulder's DA's office may be up a creek without a paddle (or a clue), but our hospital is, in my opinion, the best!

Nancy - I'm not on the site that often anymore (working instead of surfing!) and just heard - my prayers are with you!
ALCapshaw2 said:
Each nurse in the OHS ICU at UAB had 2 patients as I recall.

It sounds like you need to speak with his admitting Doctor.

Is there a Patient Advocate or Patient Representative or some such title / function at this hospital?

I'm afraid it's only going to get WORSE until the Medical Care System(s) in this country collapse under the load.

'AL Capshaw'
Nancy your not new to this. What Al is saying here is exactly what Lyn had to do. Yes I've gone through the ICU nightmare too.
Dear Nancy:

I've no doubt they will know you by your first name, by end of the day. You are no one to meddle with, when it comes to Joe.

Wayne was in CICU at Mass General for around 5 days, as I recall. The ratio was one to one. Could NOT have asked for better care from the nursing staff, and they were VERY kind to me as well. Yes, the time was curtailed, as I recall, particularly when he first came out of surgery. Then the nurses realized he was better if I was there, quiet, sitting in the corner. I think I alleviated the fear factor.

Get the patient advocate, and let them do the yelling for you.l

And, please let us know how he is doing, and what the set back was that propelled him into ICU.

Kind is not a word I would say about yesterday, re: me, and I was even nice, yesterday:p . There was no chair in the room for me to use, and that was OK. It wasn't until one of the housekeeping staff aksed if I would like a chair to sit on that the nurse went to look for one:(

So I stood by Joe's bed holding his hand for an hour or so.

Clearly, things need to be cleaned up and management has to get more active with the staff.

Tyce's ICU experiences have been great. 2pts per nurse in one and 4:1 in the second. He was monitored all the time and we never really had a problem.

I'm sure you will correct this problem shortly.....go all the way to the top, girlfriend, that way they'll remember you.

More importantly, though, how is Joe doing???

Nancy I am so sorry you have to deal w/ this on top of everything else. ICU should be 1on 1 and at the very least 1/2 as for not responding to the call light in ICU is just wrong and dangerous. I would talk to the Joes attending doc and which ever doc is in charge of the unit and the head nurse and tell them what is going on, tell them you want it fixed immeadiately or your next talk will be w/ the head of the hospital (that really works when they are in the wrong) I also would tell them you don't care what their visiting hours are, until Joe has proper care you WILL be in his room, since SOMEONE has to make sure he is ok and they obviously aren't.
justin's last surgery the CCU was wonderful, unfortunatley he was only in it less than 24 hours and the floor was awful ( spend hours in a treatment room waiting for a room, but couldn't have pain meds since he wasn't in a room in the computer so didn't exist,even as bad a justin dropped a pill the nurse picked it off the floor and gave it back to him and justin took it before I could say something)
I finally quit being nice and trying to fix things quietly, so went to the nurses station, told them very loudly I wanted to speak w/ the doc in charge of the floor & the head nurse or I was going to the hospital administrator and proceeded to tell them everything that was wrong, (and said that Justin told me that the dogs get treated better at the vets then he was at this top ranked hospital) once everything was brought to their attention they could not move quick enough to make us happy, heck even offered ME a private room to sleep in lol and free meals) I think alot of it was because up until then i quietly talked to a nurse or doc, but at the nurses station, they didn't want all the other patient families to hear how awful the care was compared to other hospiitals,
I will say lots of prayers, for Joe to get better soon, for the situation to improve and for you. Lyn

ps i wanted to add about the not answering the call, I would point out that yes even IF you are in the room w/ Joe they have to get there asap, suppose something was going wrong and you were doing what you could to help Joe, you hardly could stop helping him so you could go running around the unit looking for a nurse because they couldn't be botherred to check him when the call light goes on, Lyn
The ICU will have a nurse manager. Ask to meet with her, and hand her a copy of your concerns. Mention that you also have a written copy for Joe's doctor. I think you will see immediate improvements.
terrible situation!

terrible situation!

Nancy, When I had my cancerous kidney out in 2002 I couldn't have had better care! Two patients to each nurse in ICU BUT most of the nurses were required to work 18 hour shifts. The best nurse I had that week worked 16 hours, went home for 8 and then came back to me for 8 more. I don't know how they did it. Actually I got just as good care in the step down unit--"intermediate care".

Unfortunately the whole nursing profession seems to be going down the drain. Our local hospital has been working in the red, hence laying off professionals and training the aides to do clinical work and the janitorial staff to do the work of aides. Is it any wonder that there are not enough men/women going into nursing? Remember when every little girl was going to grow up to be a nurse?

What you and Joe are experiencing is INEXCUSABLE!! I say "CHARGE" the front office.- Firmly but nicely!

Then write a "letter to the editor" at your local newspaper.
Nancy, you go get them!!! I liked Mary's suggestion of meeting with the nurse manager and giving her a written list of your concerns with a cc to Joe's doctor. What you are describing is inexcusable! Bad enough if it were on a regular floor, but horrorific in an ICU or CCU. Ratio should clearly be 1:1 or 2:1 at the most. And they should know Joe's status and condition at all times.

If you don't mind, I would sort of like to know which hospital this is, as I don't think I want to end up there! Initials would do it.

Let us know how you (and Joe) make out.
Oh my Nancy..I had no idea that Joe was in the hospital..I do hope all is ok with him.
I agree with the other.. you need to speak up on his behalf! I am so very sorry that things are not very accomodating.
When I was in ICU a few hours after they removed my cath. I nneeded to use the restroom and the nurse told me she would be bringing me a chairside potty.

Well it didn't show up .. and I was pretty uncomfortable.. I rang and rang my nurse.. Finally she showed up and still didn't have the potty!.:mad: she sent the tech (nursing aid) to go find one for me and clean it up..etc.
she went back to the magazine she was reading! I did later let the charge nurse know..

Please advocate for whatever you need.. Heaven knows you are paying enough for the supposed care..it would be nice to assure you that you are getting it!

Hugs to you!
I raised holy hell this morning. I had good reason. When I got there and into Joe's room, the nurse said, "Did you know that Joe had a heart attack yesterday?" I about fell on the floor. The ICU doctor never called me to tell me this. Plus Joe is filled with fluid, wheezing when he breathes and coughing up blood! And the ICU doctor had not called for any consults

I lit into the ICU doctor, then had a consult with the Patient representative. By the time I was finished, consults were set up with the cardiologist, the nephrologist, the neurologist (Joe has a wicked headache), and I had put in a call to his excellent Internal Medicine doctor to have someone tie up all the loose ends.

He is now on IV Lasix and has already shed a lot of fluid, got some new bloodpressure meds, since his pressure was high, an iron IV and he was breathing easier. He still has the horrible headache. They have done 2 head CATscans, but nothing like a clot or bleed has shown up. They also took about 10 vials of blood. And when I left he had his own private nurse who was wonderful. She'll be there till 11 PM.

Things are still very dicey. But there is at least several people who are doing something. So we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Hi Nancy-I am so sorry you both are going through all this-good for you in raising hell. How ridiculous this is going on! Prayers going up for you both, sounds like you helped to get things on the right track. BTW-my stepdad was on heavy antibiotics in the hospital 2 weeks ago and they gave him what he said was the worst headache of his life...finally subsided when they switched meds. Just a thought...God Bless and please keep us posted.....Deb
My God! I sure hope they start paying attention. My prayers and thoughts are with you Nancy.

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