what time do you take Coumadin daily?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
South FL
what time do you take Coumadin daily?
I've been taking it later at night. just wondering when it should be taken, and the effects of taking it later at night.
My doc suggested I take it with my dinner since I have a touchy system....also, if I should forget to take it, then when I take my bedtime med I will notice it still in my pillbox.
It doesn't really matter what time you take it... just that you should take it at approx. the same time every day. It's best to find a time (and a trigger mechanism) that works for you. For example, some folks take it when they brush their teeth in the morning. I take mine just before I sit down for dinner. Some docs will recommend that you take it in the evening so that on the day you test your dosage can be adjusted that same day.

My dinner time trigger has only failed me 2 or 3 times in 3+ years.
I believe there is already a thread with the same question.
But just in case I'm wrong, I take mine at 5:00pm; just before supper. The hospital started me at that time and I have just continued taking it at that time.

As for effects....3 days is 3 days
Doctors prefer evenings so that if a dose change has to be made, its made on THEIR schedule, not yours.

You can take it anytime you want to, but always take it at the same time. I take mine when I wake up and pour my first cup of Coffee. Coffee and Coumadin---YUM!
Doctors prefer evenings so that if a dose change has to be made, its made on THEIR schedule, not yours.

You can take it anytime you want to, but always take it at the same time. I take mine when I wake up and pour my first cup of Coffee. Coffee and Coumadin---YUM!

French roast coffee kills the bitter taste of Coumadin, donchaknow?

I take mine w/ breakfast, either with french roast or hazelnut. :)
Morning here ... I'm an early riser and I grab it off the breakfast nook and swallow it on the way to the coffee pot .... I don't need a liquid to swallow pills ... just another benefit of being a Chimp:p
I was told to take mine before bed and this way if I forget I can still take it the next morning. That has happened twice now in my 5 months post-op.
After dinner at around 7pm. If I go to bed and see my pills still on the nightstand I know I forgot to take them at 7pm and take them then!


i started taking my warfarin at 7.00 pm but these days i take it between 10 and 11 pm.

unlike catwomans, the warfarin i take is not bitter, in fact it has no taste. could there be a taste diference between diferent brands?