What should I expect prior to surgery? I have a referal to The Cleveland Clinic

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Hot Rod Harry

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2006
I have been referred to the CC because of a leaking mitral valve, after already having a repair done 3 years ago. I'm still leaking, and will most likely have a mitral valve repair of some sort done.

I'm waiting for official word that my insurance has kicked in under the COBRA plan. I need that before I can get an evaluation date.

To those that have been through this, what kind of testing can I expect prior to the surgery date?

Will they want to do a cath? Scans? Etc.

Also, once an evaluation has been made, what is a reasonable time to get in to get the surgery? I'm ready to get this done & get back to being healthy, so if they said next week, that wouldn't be soon enough.
I know for my pre-testing, I had a heart cath. and a tee. Oh, and can't skip the blood work. I did not have a problem with any of it. It will probably depend on the surgeons schedule. After I had my tee, they said I could wait a couple of years. Well, a couple of months later I had OHS. Good luck at CC.
i have been to cleveland clinic once now and my surgery is on the 28th. the first time i had blood drawn and an echo. They didn't like the quality of my first echo. My pre-surgery testing begins on the 26th. That day i have to get a chest x-ray, bloodwork and a heart cath. On the 27th i have breathing and pulmonary testing and then after that i meet the surgical team. I am not sure what a tee is but as far i know i will not have to get that done but they will change your itinerary the day that you are there if the doctor wants more tests done. My problem is also my mitral valve and i have to have a replacement put in. I would be thinking they might recommend that for you also if you have already had it repaired. Cleveland clinic is a wonderful place if you are a patient. They will go out of their way to make it as comfortable as possible and as stress free as they can. i was amazed when i first walked in there at how big it was. It is a very well-oiled machine so to speak. it is one of the world's best after all.