What is a TOE/TEE like?

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2011
I have managed to avoid this test so far, but it seems that I may be scheduled for one in a few weeks, probably with contrast, to test for an ASD.

I'm quite worried that I will struggle to swallow the probe, because I'm quite rubbish at taking tablets. Does it hurt, or make you sick or gag?
Hi, Madsometimes. The answer to your question: none of the above. And I am a self-described wuss.
Here's my experience of the TEE:

You change into a gown, they ask you a series of questions, you are placed on the table, lying on your side. They might spray a little numbing agent in your mouth. An IV line is started in your arm. You wake up and it's over. :) Seriously. No gagging, no awareness of the tube going in or coming out, no swallowing, nothing. I didn't even have a sore throat afterwards. And the best part was, I learned I had no blockages and could have a minimally invasive mitral valve repair!
It's nice to know that there are some fellow wusses on this board :)

I may have had recent OHS, but I am certainly not brave. When people I know call me that, it is ridiculous. I'm a total coward. I'm not sure if I'm going to be put out for my TOE (unfortunately), but hopefully I will have some sedation.
I have no memory of the probe going in at all. I remember the nice feeling of the anesthesia and a mildly uncomfortable feeling of the numbing agent. It felt like I needed to swallow and I couldn't. I was basically fine though.
Richard Gardner
I've had two TEEs with no problems. The first one was 10 yrs ago. They gave me a slight sedative but it did not put me out, it only made me feel relaxed. They made me gargle a nasty tasting thick liquid to numb your gag reflex. The probe then goes in and I could actually feel it inside of me, which was kind of cool.

The TEE I had a few months ago went much the same way, except they put me out and I don't remember waking up until the very end of the procedure.

All in all, both TEEs were uneventful.
Mine was just as Selma described, except I got one of those pre-warmed balnkets (I love those!) - they hooked me up and the next thing I remember is the nurse telling me they had called my wife to come take me home. So easy I still joke with my cardilogist about not believing they did anything.
HiYa Mad,

To be honest, I'm usually not nervous about tests but for some reason, the TEE made me a bit anxious. However, it wasn't as bad as I was expected. I remember the numbing spray and being asked to turn over on one side. After that I don't remember a thing.

Good luck!
I just had a TEE last Friday. I undressed from the waist up and put on a gown and I was all comfy in a hospital bed. They put in an IV when I had checked in. They brought (rolled) the machine in when the doctor got there. They gave me a very small cup of a clear gel that I gargled for 15 seconds and then swallowed. It tasted nasty but didn't kill me. They gave me medication through the IV that made me a little sleepy. I could feel the sensation that something was going in my throat but had no pain or nothing uncomfortable. In a matter of minutes they were through and I was at myself talking to the doctor. I went home within an hour. I couldn't eat for 2 hours but basically because they were afraid my throat and esophogus might still be a little numb and wouldn't have a normal gag reflex.
It really is not a bad procedure at all. I never had a sore throat or any problems whatsoever.
Good luck, you will do fine!
My first TEE was 20 years ago when (I think) the test was somewhat new. I was scheduled for 8 am, and the nurse giving me instructions said it was OK to have 1 cup of coffe at home, but no food. Back then, you sat in a chair and they numbed your throat with a spray, but you were completely conscience. I was given Valium to relax and the test was OK, even though I really had to focus to keep from gagging (because of the coffee in my stomach).

So in Mar. 2012 when they said I needed another TEE, I wasn't enthusiastic. But WOW! Talk about advanced medical science! I swallowed a clear gel and put my head on the pillow. When I was awakened, like DanielB, I couldn't tell the test was done. Easiest test I've had.
I have to say that although the actual test (probe going down the throat) was not bad, I found the nasty-tasting gel and spray disgusting. Maybe I shouldn't post this, but that was my experience.
I stressed and worried before my TEE and was sorry I wasted the energy. It was really easy and no pain, no after effects, no big deal at all. I gargled the numbing agent, they gave me versed and whatever other medication and next I knew my cardiologist was giving me the report about it. I remembered just about nothing which was just the way I wanted it. :)

I know most of us will stress no matter but truly, you should not have any problem with the TEE.

Good luck.