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Hi y'all... well, I haven't been around for about 3 weeks because my stupid computer (..which needs to be thrown out of the window in the the path of an oncoming truck!!!..) decided it really didn't feel like working anymore and up and died on me. A couple of weeks, and a couple of hundred dollars later, it is finally back up and running........ for now...!

Anyhoo, I've tried to skim through as many posts as I could (my very first stop was to see how little Katie and Janet were holding up, and I was SOOOO happy to see they were finally home), but I'm sure I've missed plenty. If anyone wants to give me a "Reader's Digest" update, that would be great.

Otherwise, I'm OK. I've got heaps of assignments to catch up on and I'm down to Melbourne in about a fortnight for the gated blood pool scan - which I'm not really looking forward to. In the meantime, I had had a couple of "good" days and was starting to question if I was just "making up" all my symptoms, then not 4 hours later I was unloading a shopping trolly and it was leaving me gasping for breath! Gee - and who needs aerobics!

Anyway, it's good to be back and I hope to "catch up" on everyone over the next week.

Cheers all,
Anna : )
I bet every single person who reads this will run over to that thread to see which one it is. I did. Did you?

Welcome back, Anna. I was wondrin the other night where the heck you are. Sorry about the computer stuff; shame we have to deal with computer bugs and breakdowns. What a surprise when our computer just quits and we are sitting here saying 'WHAT'. Then comes *(&^%*(&*!

Glad you are back.
hensylee said:
I bet every single person who reads this will run over to that thread to see which one it is. I did. Did you?

LOL, yes, I did!

Hey Anna, welcome back! You've missed some arguments and some make-ups, leading to Hank's affirmation of the forum rules. Think everybody's back in line now. You really didn't miss much on that front!

Loads of new members, so it'll probably take you forever to figure out who they all are. Happy reading!

I think I got Hank's email about 3 times!! Is someone trying to tell me something :D

A : )

PS - Ross, now what's this "slightly" demented business all about...?!! :D :D
Anna, I'm so glad to see you posting again. I have sincerely missed your posts. You have such a way with words. You make me laugh with your wit and sense of humor. I know about computer problems. It's the pits. I was off about three weeks. I finally got a new computer with Windows XP and it is so much faster. Welcome back friend!
Hi Glenda - I saw you were also having some "issues" with your PC. Honestly! So much for modern technology (..and the tragic fact is that this "modern technology" is outdated after 3 years..), I definitely think I'll be going with a tissue valve when my time comes...!! ;) :D

Meanwhile, I hope you've been keeping well. We all love to see your smiling face around here too.

Best wishes,
Anna : )

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