Gatherings and events seem to be picking up steam in terms of more and more possibilities the last few years with, in most cases of which I'm aware, increasing attendance. Heck, this weekend (October 3-5) alone, I knew of 3 gatherings...
...southern Mini Reunion for ValveReplacement in TN
...gathering of the "Florida chapter" of the Southern Monte Carlo Club in Tallahassee
...and a MidWest MC meet in St Louis.
I had planned to attend the St Louis gathering, but I wasn't feeling well Friday...and ended up being sick Friday night and didn't do much at all today (Saturday).
Next weekend, I have a gathering in Sandwich IL to attend.
Then, October 18, is the Fall Chitown Gathering, for which I am in the process of making final plans now...including, perhaps, a Color Drive.
And...for 2009, I've already started planning 3 different gatherings...
...Saturday, January 17...joint Chicagoland Mini Reunion for ValveReplacement and ACHA.
...Saturday, July 25...2nd Annual MidSummer Chitown Gathering (with a trip to Sycamore IL for a car show on Sunday, July 26)
...September/October...Cruise along RT 66.
...along with, of course, other gatherings I will go to throughout the year....
So...with sssooo many opportunities to meet people, have fun, etc....
What draws you to gatherings? / What makes you want to go to a planned event?
Why/how do you decide to attend one instead of another?
Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I don't have time" ... Dido ... 'Sand In My Shoes'
...southern Mini Reunion for ValveReplacement in TN
...gathering of the "Florida chapter" of the Southern Monte Carlo Club in Tallahassee
...and a MidWest MC meet in St Louis.
I had planned to attend the St Louis gathering, but I wasn't feeling well Friday...and ended up being sick Friday night and didn't do much at all today (Saturday).
Next weekend, I have a gathering in Sandwich IL to attend.
Then, October 18, is the Fall Chitown Gathering, for which I am in the process of making final plans now...including, perhaps, a Color Drive.
And...for 2009, I've already started planning 3 different gatherings...
...Saturday, January 17...joint Chicagoland Mini Reunion for ValveReplacement and ACHA.
...Saturday, July 25...2nd Annual MidSummer Chitown Gathering (with a trip to Sycamore IL for a car show on Sunday, July 26)
...September/October...Cruise along RT 66.
...along with, of course, other gatherings I will go to throughout the year....
So...with sssooo many opportunities to meet people, have fun, etc....
What draws you to gatherings? / What makes you want to go to a planned event?
Why/how do you decide to attend one instead of another?
Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I don't have time" ... Dido ... 'Sand In My Shoes'