Dennis, it's gorgeous. My favorite aspect is the light on the hillside and I would personally capitalize on that. I wonder if you can play around with some cropping....just to play. By lopping off some of the left and some of the top to bring the blue sky in more noticeably at the top and to lop off some of the heaviness of the tree (as Woodbutcher commented).
If you have a Mac, you can purchase Photoshop with an educator's discount (isn't your wife a teacher?) for significant savings. There are tutorials and videos to educate you on the program (if you have time... there's a LOT!) or take a community class. I know you are a purist, and that is to be highly commended. But, also, this is 2009 and you might as well get up to date! It is SO MUCH FUN to play with photos, too! Anyway, FWIW.
Lovely work, as ever.