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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Long story, but I need to provide a sample vertical oriented picture---which is not my strong point.

Before I send it off, I thought I would try it here first. If you guys like it, I intend to send it.
I love the composition. The picture is framed just right. The only thing that would make it better (for me, at least) is if there was some additional lighting - so that the contrast between the tree & the clouds would be greater. Or to highlight the flowers(?) in the foreground.
I enjoy your photographs Dennis and this is no exception but to me it looks like a great landcape that's been forced into portrait to serve a purpose thus compromising the composition ? It doesn't lead the viewer in, being too heavy on the left.
The rule of thirds is pretty much followed to the letter but the foliage to the left is so dominant that visually it seems to push past the first third and rather cut the image in half ? It's hard to see what's sharp too ? If the top of the tree to the right were placed on the intersection or power point of the lower horizontal third and last vertical by cropping a bit to the left and adding some to the right I think the image might sit better ? The subject, contrast and light are great though.
All the points are well taken. I think it is hard to fit my particular landscape (which is what they want) into a vertical picture. I don't have photoshop, and don't do much with software on my photos. Here is a second version, tweaked a little bit--better or worse? There isn't a great deal of difference in any case).

This is an edit to this post-there is a slight difference visible on my screen, but I think the difference disappears when slimmed down for this post.

I love it. I particularly like the contrast between weather and clear - the snow on the plant in the forground with the tree empty of snow. The sky with the storm clouds combined with the clear sky. It certainly covers the confusion that nature can create. I feel like I am looking through a vertical window in the corner of a warm home.
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve, as I'm neither a photographer nor an artist, but I think it is amazing. God made the picture, of course, but you captured it beautifully.

Of course, anything with storm clouds is amazing to me right now since we've been in a drought for over two months!
Dennis, it's gorgeous. My favorite aspect is the light on the hillside and I would personally capitalize on that. I wonder if you can play around with some cropping....just to play. By lopping off some of the left and some of the top to bring the blue sky in more noticeably at the top and to lop off some of the heaviness of the tree (as Woodbutcher commented).

If you have a Mac, you can purchase Photoshop with an educator's discount (isn't your wife a teacher?) for significant savings. There are tutorials and videos to educate you on the program (if you have time... there's a LOT!) or take a community class. I know you are a purist, and that is to be highly commended. But, also, this is 2009 and you might as well get up to date! It is SO MUCH FUN to play with photos, too! Anyway, FWIW.

Lovely work, as ever.

Beautiful photo as always Dennis!

I must say though, that after you tweaked your photo somewhat, the 2nd image appears to be much sharper & more vibrant to me. Send it off & good luck to you! :)

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