What do we mean by addiction?

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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
This started out as a reply to Cort's thread, but I decided it doesn't really fit there. Could I take this opportunity to spout off on the use of the term "addiction"? What really moved it up on my personal radar screen is listening to peope talk about Mr. Spitzer being "addicted" to the use of prostitutes. What an sad turn of events for Mr. Spitzer to struggle with such an unfortunate "addiction". All this time I thought such conduct was simply blatant self gratification at the expense of others.

It seems to me the word addiction is rapidly losing any real meaning. I am sixty years old, and remember a time when addiction referred to actual physical symptoms resulting from changes in body chemistry. You can definitely become addicted to heroin, or even cigarettes or alcohol.

There are many things that cause us to make foolish decisions. Yesterday I walked by an ice cream case and bought a chocolate covered dove bar. I knew it wasn't a good choice, but I did it anyway.

I chose short term gratification even while knowing it would be smarter to just keep walking. There may be a lot of underlying reasons for that bad decision. But, in my opinion, the excuse of "addiction" doesn't cut it, and tends to trivialize the accomplishments of those who have endured and succeeded in the face of actual drug addiction. If you have kicked cigarettes, alcohol or some illegal drug, you have my admiration.

I am curious what others think, and invite you to respond.
Dennis...good thread/post and I see your point....It does seem that the term "addiction" has become a catch all for bad choices and moral failures....However we need to be careful, what may seem moral failure or bad choices may indeed be to the point of addiction in some.

If a guy/girl cheats on their spouse and gets caught they may claim sexual addiction...If they do it again and get caught they may claim a relapse....I will lay (no pun intended) the cards on the table....As one who has fought alcohol/drug addiction (clean and sober 3 years) I am careful not to make a judgment on whether something is or is not a true addiction verses a moral fall or bad choice....I would hate to make that judgment be wrong....and cause mental or emotional harm to a person.

Alcohol/drugs for me fall under the heading of addiction.....eating a half of box of chocolate (as I did yesterday:eek: ) was a bad choice...cheating on my wife would be a moral (and dangerous;)) choice.

I am my brothers keeper, not his judge....just my two cents.
there is a man who married into our family. He cannot keep his hands off women - then I met his uncle who is a 'preacher'. He, too, cannot keep his hands off women. To me, that's not an addiction. It is definitely a personality flaw that runs in that family!

Addiction, to me, is something the body craves so much it will do most anything to get that chemical the body needs.

These days, getting caught is out there for all of us to see and to lump that failure into 'addiction' seems to work - from the highest in power to the lowest in the chain. Going into 'treatment' seems to get them out of their immediate troubles. I say 'phooey'. It's become a fad that seems to work for many. Fraid I can't buy it.

My heart bleeds for those who are chemically addicted. They all want out - they crave normality again. I wish all of them the strength to get through it. They definitely need support if they wish to get past the addiction.
I agree with you both Dennis and Cookie. I think there are true addictions - alcohol and drugs being the main ones that come to mind. Today people throw out the term "addiction" too freely, but that happens with a lot of terms "If I can't go on that vacation I think I'll die". I think what some refer to as addictions (ie - sexual addiction) really fall into psychiatric disorders. It's my HPO that Spitzer is a classic Narcissist. I'm speaking in terms of the actual psychiatric personality disorder of Narcissism - not the person with a huge ego that likes to look in the mirror a lot. I had a former sister-in-law that was dx'd as a Narcissist and there are definitive personality traits that point to such a disorder. People that have NPD tend to have self-destructive behavior in their pursuit for the attention they believe they are entitled.
For those that are curious - here's a quick list of traits I found. Not all traits will apply to everyone with NPD. But if they have more than a few.....

* He or she has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates accomplishments and demands to be considered superior without real evidence of achievement).
* He or she lives in a dream world of exceptional success, power, beauty, genius, or "perfect" love.
* He or she thinks of him- or herself as "special" or privileged, and that he or she can only be understood by other special or high-status people.
* He or she demands excessive amounts of praise or admiration from others.
* He or she feels entitled to automatic deference, compliance, or favorable treatment from others.
* He or she is exploitative towards others and takes advantage of them.
* He or she lacks empathy and does not recognize or identify with others' feelings.
* He or she is frequently envious of others or thinks that they are envious of him or her.
* He or she "has an attitude" or frequently acts in haughty or arrogant ways.
I believe that when someone becomes obsessed with something to the point it controls them, chemically or otherwise, it is an addiction. I don't believe that every public figure who commits adultery or goes to rehab is an addict. Just my totally personal and unprofessional thoughts.
I think Karlyns' definition of his behavior is more accurate than throwing the blanket of "addiction" over it. My opinion.....NARCISSIM to an extreme.

Cooker, I have also been a "friend of Bill W" for 17 years.
good topic

good topic

and, in response to Cort's thread, one of the reasons I keep checking back in !

This one sent me thinking, and scurrying around, and here is what I got on wikipedia -


I really think that we use a lot of words these days that normal people did not use 75, maybe even 50, years ago. We are all better educated and better informed through first radio, then TV and now the internet, and are integrating into our daily vocabularies words that were only used by professionals. Several years ago, I was talking (socially) with a psychiatrist, and I was trying to explain something, and I said something about being paranoid, then remembered who I was talking with, and clarified by saying in the everyday English-language sense, not the psychiatric sense - I think I was scared he would lock me up :eek: or at least suggest I visit him in his office. And yes, we say in everyday conversation that we are addicted to this TV show, or a certain make of sneakers, just to name a few examples.

Anyway, I am rambling and will stop now.
Dennis S said:
There are many things that cause us to make foolish decisions. Yesterday I walked by an ice cream case and bought a chocolate covered dove bar. I knew it wasn't a good choice, but I did it anyway.

I chose short term gratification even while knowing it would be smarter to just keep walking. There may be a lot of underlying reasons for that bad decision.

But, was it really a "bad" decision? I guess that depends on your definition of "bad"....

I've made PLENTY of "bad" decisions in my lifetime, but some of those same decisions, to others, were wonderful choices....


At any rate ... very cool thread, Dennis. Really neat to read the replies here, along with your own assessment....

Karlynn said:
Today people throw out the term "addiction" too freely, but that happens with a lot of terms


Indeed, Karlynn.

It's almost as if we're "watering down" our own language. I mean ... good night shirt tail ... I remember how naughty some words were "way back when" and now, don't seem so terrible these days.....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
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"Who do you think you?re talkin? to?" ... Lee Roy Parnell ... 'What Kind Of Fool Do You Think I Am?'
Great post Dennis. Lots of room for thought.
I guess if I'm going to be addicted to something now, I'd rather it be sex than some of the other stuff I've tried over the years.
* We can call anything we don't want to take responsibility for an addiction.
* We can blame our parents for all our problems.
* We don't use drugs. We smoke 'grass'.
* We plead 'No Contest'.
* We 'can't recollect'.
* It's not 'queer'. It's 'gay'.

Change the label. Make it sound less harsh or more serious depending on our needs. We can then blame others or society.

***Just my idle thoughts and not intended to offend anyone***
greg said:
I guess if I'm going to be addicted to something now, I'd rather it be sex

*grins devilishly*

Oh my yes!


But, of course, that would require a female (specifically ... single, cute, etc.) to, uh, want me ... lol.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"There's no controlling feelings this strong" ... Lee Greenwood ... 'Touch & Go Crazy'