What are the chances....

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Last week my sister-in-law Debbie called me from the hospital, to inform me that she was experiencing chest and back pain. After an extensive series of test, (she's been in the hosptital for 9 days) it has been determined that she has an 4.5 cm aneurysm on her ascending aorta. Everything else is good....arteries are clean, valves are good. This is all very crazy because I'm the family member that has been preparing for BAV/Aortic root (also 4.5cm) replacement later this summer. Her doctors have absolutely no idea what is causing the continuous pain, and she has been advised to lift no more than 10 pounds. Because her job requires being very active and lifting, she and the Drs. have opted to have the aneurysm repaired tomorrow am. Even though she will not require valve replacement, I counting on all you "valvers" to keep Debbie in your prayers tomorrow and as she heals.

Sending Debbie our best wishes. Maybe she will join us here when she gets home.
Isn't that odd? Your sil will be in my prayers; let us know how it all goes.
I wish her well, and I hope that the valve sparing procedure is what happens. I had the same surgery in 2002 at Rush University. I noticed that you are close, where will her surgery be done?
Tom.....actually, her valves appears to be fine. She'll have the aortic repair done at Alexian Brothers Hospital in Elk Grove Village. One thing I did not mention in my initial post is that her BP was "thru the roof". I'm certain that was a big contributor to the presence of an aneurysm. Agree???
I do agree. A major cause of ascending aortic aneurysms where the aortic valve is normal is hypertension. She will likely be on hypertension meds for the rest of her life. The last thing that she will need is to blow out the new section of her aorta, or form another aneurysm someplace else. She is lucky, like I was lucky. She has the same medical condition that caused the death of the actor John Ritter. Most of the time, docs do not catch these aneurysms until its too late.
Thoughts and Prayers for SIL

Thoughts and Prayers for SIL

Looks like Debbie will be able to tell you all about OHS instead of the other way around. Speedy recovery:) I hope and pray she has a successful surgery and that you all hang in there together.
BillB said:
Last week my sister-in-law Debbie called me from the hospital, to inform me that she was experiencing chest and back pain. After an extensive series of test, (she's been in the hosptital for 9 days) it has been determined that she has an 4.5 cm aneurysm on her ascending aorta. Everything else is good....arteries are clean, valves are good. This is all very crazy because I'm the family member that has been preparing for BAV/Aortic root (also 4.5cm) replacement later this summer. Her doctors have absolutely no idea what is causing the continuous pain, and she has been advised to lift no more than 10 pounds. Because her job requires being very active and lifting, she and the Drs. have opted to have the aneurysm repaired tomorrow am. Even though she will not require valve replacement, I counting on all you "valvers" to keep Debbie in your prayers tomorrow and as she heals.


Your SIL and family are in my prayers. Best of luck wishes coming your way.
She's Done...She did GREAT!!

She's Done...She did GREAT!!

My Sister-in-Law is out of the O/R with her new Dacron ascending Aorta. Everything went (SO FAR....) .....Wonderfully! She's my hero! Last night she promised to be my "Wing Man" when I have my procedure. I was just one of many supporters for her today. One thing that I've noticed.....You Gals tend to be much tougher/braver when it comes down to these serious medical things.
ANYWAY...thanks for all the prayers, and keep em' coming as she begins her healing process!!

Thanks for the quick update, Bill. So glad she did so well and we know you will too- especially with your SIL cheering you on. Best wishes to all of you for her uneventful recovery and we will look forward to the same results for you.
Glad your sister-in-law is doing well. You'll feel more confident when it comes time for your replacement surgery.
Glad your sister-in-law is doing well

Glad your sister-in-law is doing well

Prayers and positive thoughs going your way for your sister- in- law. Wishes fro an uneventful recovery.
from BillB

from BillB

Praline...Thanks for the well wishes regarding my Sister-In-Law Debbie. I want you to know that after your surgery I was continually scouring the website looking for any "Praline Updates"......(day and night)....you had many of us worried! I find it so very neat that I/we have learned to care for total strangers because of the unique club of which have become members. It's also wonderful to know that you are now on the mend....and hope that your smooth recovery continues. Wishing you the best.... Always
OH BTW......Even though the above post was directed to Praline...I want to extend a big thank you
to everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers. WOW...people on the mend and certainly hurting finding time for others concerns...THANKS ONE and ALL!!
That wasn't much time to think it over! Or even get used to the idea.

Not much to think about, though, really. The pain could have been from a dissecting portion of the aneurism, so there's no point in waiting. It just seems so fast.

Im happy to hear that your sister-in-law sailed through it, just as you will later on.

Best wishes,