Last week my sister-in-law Debbie called me from the hospital, to inform me that she was experiencing chest and back pain. After an extensive series of test, (she's been in the hosptital for 9 days) it has been determined that she has an 4.5 cm aneurysm on her ascending aorta. Everything else is good....arteries are clean, valves are good. This is all very crazy because I'm the family member that has been preparing for BAV/Aortic root (also 4.5cm) replacement later this summer. Her doctors have absolutely no idea what is causing the continuous pain, and she has been advised to lift no more than 10 pounds. Because her job requires being very active and lifting, she and the Drs. have opted to have the aneurysm repaired tomorrow am. Even though she will not require valve replacement, I counting on all you "valvers" to keep Debbie in your prayers tomorrow and as she heals.