What a great (non-reiunion) VR meet up

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Just wanted to let you all know that Harrybaby666 and I (Shine_on_syd) met up this Labor Day afternoon in beautiful seacoast New Hampshire. The weather was lovely. I truly excepted to pull in the driveway and see a 3 foot high ball of flame LOL.
We live about 20 minutes from each other - I really enjoyed his company and we talked for a good two hours. He is pre-op and I post op so we much to share
Just goes to prove the great value of VR .com ...two relative strangers can meet and feel a trusty instant connection like old friends and spend two hours discussing valve disease and cardiology in much detial..
Our discussion couldn't help but confirm my long standing opinion that the surgeons know a hell of a lot more than cardios.
Well, after our meeting I have some homework to do.
How wonderful! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. It's truly magic! Was thinking about my VR.com buddies tonight over a glass of Merlot ;) Life would not be the same without you all! Here is to many many more "unions"!

Hope to see you all in Denver this fall!
Feels like meeting long lost family members doesn't it? Glad you could get together.
knightfan2691 said:

I keep "preaching" about how cool it is to meet up with other members and it is always sweet to see it in action...and to see those familiar words written:

"instant connection like old friends"


Thanks for sharing!

Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Spotting MCs = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
Guess I'm gonna have to put some stop sticks in the road to see you huh? :D
James and Harry,
I'm so glad you guys got to meet. I hope the week-end meeting was the first in many more to come.
Our Tuesday Get togethers.

Our Tuesday Get togethers.

Hi Jim,

So glad to hear you had a great time with Harry. Isn't it magic when you meet a VR.com buddy. It's like meeting someone you've known for years. That's how I experienced it when I got to meet some of the members.
We have 4 VR.com members in the Tucson area and we have been meeting every Tuesday for several years now. We get together at the local mall for coffee, walk, talk and lunch afterwards. :) :) :)
Pam and I (AZPam) had already done this since my surgery in 8/2000 (we had known one another since 1997) and about a year later I met Joni (Cleojoan) in the flu line at the local grocery store. Struck up a conversation and the rest is history. We have been the best of friends every since. Joni lives about 5 minutes from my house.
Quetlin we met over a year ago now on VR.com site. I sent her an e-mail inviting her to our weekly get together and she joins us when she has transportation. We get along fabulously.
Anyone in the area sometimes, please contact me so you can join us. We'd love to have you. :D :D :D
It was truly a great visit!!!

It was truly a great visit!!!

Hi Gang,

Yes, the visit I had with Shine-on-Syd was a really great visit. I learned things that I didn't know, and Jim really confirmed what I have been suspecting all along....I need to have my valve(s) done. I told him that it's gotten to the point where if I even get the slightest stressed out, I start having symptoms, and he had stated that where I am in Congestive Heart Failure, it's time to have something done about my heart. I have to admit, though, that I AM EXTREMELY TERRIFIED!!!! I have always had a fear of operating rooms, but this is really the Big One... :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!

I am so glad that I met Jim yesterday, as he has already been a big help in getting things rolling for my surgery. I did tell him that I didn't want to wait around for the Cardiologists to tell me when because, as I told him, I have found that the Cardiologists tend to stick to only one side of the heart disease story-Coronary Artery Disease-and NOT taking into consideration the other side of the story-Valves-CHF-Cardiomyopathy.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that the visit was great and I look forward to meeting more VR members along this journey. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
It ain't the operating room to be afraid of, you'll be out for all of that, it's ICU that sucks! I know, aren't you glad I told you. :confused:
I know...I know...But.....

I know...I know...But.....

I know I will be out Ross, but, I still fear being wheeled into the OR..I don't know why or what it is about the OR, but it just really frightens me....So much for Chicken Of The Sea...LOL LOL. Harrybaby666 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: (AND I STRESS :eek: :eek: !!! )
Beleive me, you'll be so doped up by the time they wheel you in, you won't care where you are. Without that necessary additive to my system, They couldn't have gotten me through those doors either. :eek:
I just want to get it done with....

I just want to get it done with....

Hi Ross..

I just hope that I can get it done and over with, as I am really starting to feel horrible...just doing simple things like painting a dresser is taken me 3 days....and climbing the stairs to my apartment is really getting tough...Not A Good Feeling....Harrybaby666 :( :eek: :eek: :(
I'm so glad you two got a chance to meet. I agree, Syd, I would expect to see a big flaming person if I met Harry too :D :D Sorry, Harry, I'll always associate you with that cute animated flaming dude!! I'm so looking forward to the reunion this year.
Ross said:
Guess I'm gonna have to put some stop sticks in the road to see you huh? :D


Yep. I do believe so.

Alas, I won't be in Ohio (that I know of anyway) again until next August. But, plenty of time to plan a meeting, don't you think? :)
Morning Sherry.

Morning Sherry.

Hi Sherry,

That's Ok.....I have to admit that I am not the harmless little Methodist that people think I am
.....LOL LOL (Just Kidding, of course)...I do have to admit, humor is helping a great deal to help me through this and my other medical problems. :D :D :D :D :D (And I Stress :D :D :D :D :D !!!) Harrybaby666
I can attest to the instant connection. I felt the same when I met Bonnie. I knew her instantly as she walked up. It was 'old friends' time. Everybody should try it if there's a VR member that you can get together with.

I missed the two other Vr members I wanted to meet - but next time.
Alll Righty Then.....Who's the Wiseguy? LOL

Alll Righty Then.....Who's the Wiseguy? LOL

All right,
who is the wise guy who so elequantly put the little devil in my last post? Was it You Ross??? Hmmm??? LOL Harrybaby