Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
We always watch this show each year. I particularly liked the finalists this year. Of course I wanted the Golden Retriever to win; he was stunning. I really thought the Dalmatian would win, but then they all deserved to win. Congrats to the Colored Bull Terrier, Rufus; he was great!
Buckley insisted on watching. But didn't say much. However Sadie, our African Grey, kept doing her dog whistle and yelling Here Buckley, Here Buckley!!!
Karlynn said:
Buckley insisted on watching. But didn't say much. However Sadie, our African Grey, kept doing her dog whistle and yelling Here Buckley, Here Buckley!!!

I assume Buckley was pulling for the Lab. I thought the Lab was going to at least place in the group top four, but it didn't happen.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with an African Grey; I assume it is a bird?
The garden was great, and while I'm personally not a fan of bull terriers, the right dog DID win. Rufus epitomized what the bull terrier breed is, and that is truly what they should be judging.....I will make a prediction, though, I'll bet that Dalmation will be there next year....he, too, was a great specimen of what a good Dal should look and move like.

EVELYN said:
The garden was great, and while I'm personally not a fan of bull terriers, the right dog DID win. Rufus epitomized what the bull terrier breed is, and that is truly what they should be judging.....I will make a prediction, though, I'll bet that Dalmation will be there next year....he, too, was a great specimen of what a good Dal should look and move like.


I have the same feeling about the Dal. He has a great career ahead of him. He's pretty young isn't he?
Our Shiba Inu puppy, Ryu (see my avatar) sat in front of the TV watching the dogs. I had to put a towel over the front of the TV armoire so he wouldn't scratch it - he would jump at it and paw to get at the TV when they would run the show ring!

I've never been a big fan of the Bulls but Rufus was gorgeous and what a calm personality! It always amazes me that they know when they win!
I was hoping against hope that our local Welsh Pembroke corgi, Grady, would win best in breed so he would garner an appearance in the Herding group.

Grady was at the top of the heap with 1,160 points, before he hit Westminster. I guess the Big Apple was too much for the little guy. He didn't even place.:( :(

I still enjoyed watching. My husband doesn't know that I'm secretly plotting to get another dog. It's been seven years since our miniature poodle died, and I think I"m about ready to try it again.:)
PamO said:
Our Shiba Inu puppy, Ryu (see my avatar) sat in front of the TV watching the dogs. I had to put a towel over the front of the TV armoire so he wouldn't scratch it - he would jump at it and paw to get at the TV when they would run the show ring!

I've never been a big fan of the Bulls but Rufus was gorgeous and what a calm personality! It always amazes me that they know when they win!

A vet told my friend, whose german shepherd watched TV, that is a sign they are very intelligent. Our small dogs never notice the TV, but our cat swats at the figures on the screen some times. Perry took notice last night and walked up and nudged the screen with his nose...guess he was making his pick.

We also are amazed at the dogs when they react to winning.
Hi Wise

Yes, the Dal is about 2....VERRRY young to be in the group ring, but quite a looker.

Yes, they definitely know when they win. If you guys saw the Eukaneuba classic from Florida in Jan, you also saw Rufus take terrier group....he showed exactly like he showed last night...."Everyone watch me, cuz I'm the man!!" And we did.

EVELYN said:
Hi Wise

Yes, the Dal is about 2....VERRRY young to be in the group ring, but quite a looker.

Yes, they definitely know when they win. If you guys saw the Eukaneuba classic from Florida in Jan, you also saw Rufus take terrier group....he showed exactly like he showed last night...."Everyone watch me, cuz I'm the man!!" And we did.


Yes, Evelyn we saw the Eukaneuba classic. We see them all; we are such suckers for pooches. If they had one for cats we'd be watching it too. I thought Westminsters was a better group altogether though.
I just saw on the news that one of the dogs from the show (I didn't hear the breed, but it looked like an Italian Greyhound) got out of it's crate on the runway at the airport and ran into the brush and swampy area by the runways. They are still looking for her. She's worth $150,000.:eek: Apparently she's very upset she didn't get Best in Show.

Speaking of Best in Show - have any of you seen the movie. It's one of my favorites - it's hilarious!!!!
Our yellow lab, Abby likes to watch some of the shows on Animal Planet. She slept through most of the Westminister though. I think she was upset that the lab didn't make it to the Best of Show competition. I mean...for the last 17 years or something, the Labrador Retriever has been the #1 purebred dog in America. I just got my Feb. issue of the AKC magazine (on-line) yesterday and there is an article about the most popular dogs. It's an interesting article for all you doggie lovers. LINDA
This show is rigged!

This show is rigged!

A cute little puppy like me has never won.:( It so unfair, its discrimination
against Mastiffs!:eek:
Same with me! Shibas never get into the #1 spot, much less any air time on the TV! But as long as my parents know me and my sister are the cutest dogs in the world, it's okay with us (extra milkbones wouldn't hurt, either)

We protest!

Did they ever find the dog that ran away on the tarmac?
twinmaker said:
Our yellow lab, Abby likes to watch some of the shows on Animal Planet. She slept through most of the Westminister though. I think she was upset that the lab didn't make it to the Best of Show competition. I mean...for the last 17 years or something, the Labrador Retriever has been the #1 purebred dog in America. I just got my Feb. issue of the AKC magazine (on-line) yesterday and there is an article about the most popular dogs. It's an interesting article for all you doggie lovers. LINDA

I really liked the yellow lab and really thought it might place at least in the top four in it's group. But, I'm strictly a viewer and base my observations on who looks sharp to me.
RCB said:
A cute little puppy like me has never won.:( It so unfair, its discrimination
against Mastiffs!:eek:

Did you see the picture of the mastiff lying on it's side with the chihuahua sitting on it. I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see the mastiff make it to the finals. But, I love almost all of the dogs.

Same goes for the Shiba Inu. That is right though, I don't remember as much being said about them, but there are so many. They're all champs before they even get to Westminster...and leave champs even if they don't win.