Wes's surgery Thursday, October 11, in Japan

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I sure hope you have access to a computer, or else I imagine this pre-op period in the hospital must be a drag! One possible scenario is you will get so tired of waiting around that you will be anxious to get the replacement over and done with!;) :p
Best wishes for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery.


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. We'll see you on the other side of the mountain.
Best wishes for a successful surgery, and smooth, uneventful, recovery. I'm looking forward to your update from the other side of the mountain.
Wes, you are in my prayers for a very successful surgery and complete recovery. I've read a lot about medical tourism and support you 100% as you take this step. Even though you live there and am not a tourist!
From Wes:

From Wes:

well, tomorrow is the big day! am i ready? i hope so. my parents arrived and i got to see them a little, so that was nice. now it's no more eating/drinking and just time to try to catch a few zzzzs. mentally i'm trying to stay as positive as i can, just like the little engine that could, but instead of chanting "i think i can" i'm saying "i know i can!" the next message you'll get will be from the other side of the mountain. my hiking boots are ready

I hope everyone keeps Wes in their thoughts as he makes the trek!
I'll update when I get his next message.
Best of luck!

I hope you can post about your experience because I am curious as to how they run the process in Japan.

Take care!
Wes, best of luck! You'll need those hiking boots before you know it!

"I know you can", Wes.....best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth, uneventful, recovery. I'm looking forward to your update from the other side.
Hi, just wanted to say, all the very best for tomorrow, try to stay strong and focused! Really will be thinking of you, cant wait to see you on the 'post op' forum!

Good Luck!

Love Karen

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