went to the ER last night

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I just thought I would let you all know...I ended up going to the ER last night. I was in the commissary getting a few things and suddenly my heart started pounding, and I felt like the whole room was leaning to the right, and I couldn't walk straight, I was dizzy, and lightheaded, and when I got home, I called the cardio fellow on call, and they said go to the nearest ER. They didn't find anything, but like I have said before, they are a small hospital and don't have a lot of equipment to run tests. THe Doc said I could have had a TIA, but she couldn't know unless I was having one in the hospital. So my husband was upset and late for work and we ended up arguing about it last night before he went to work. I guess I shouldn't have made him take me in, and maybe I should have waited. The UW is mailing me a Holtor moniter. They ordered it two days ago...wonder when it will get here? Well, take it easy.
Sorry to hear of this new development, will say a prayer for you.

You did do the right thing. Going in and Kevin knows it in his heart of hearts. The stress is hard on most relationships. We end up railing against the nearest people and not necessarily the real cause of the problem.

Hang in there.

Regardless of what they did or didn't find, you did do the right thing. Tis better to be safe then sorry any day! I would have done the same thing if it were me. I think everyone here would have.

When things like that happen, don't second guess yourself. Go to the ER anyway. I've seen too many people be stubborn and end up with full blown strokes. Your much too young for an outcome of that magnitude, but it's a very real possibility. :)
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Hi Joy,

Like everyone else has already said, " You did the right thing".

Don't ever second guess a heart issue, going to the hospital may save your life when dealing with conditions such as ours.

Just think of how many heart attack deaths could have been prevented if only they didn't ignore early warning signs. I hope that Kevin realizes that the minor inconvienience was not wasted, and indeed wont prevent him from taking fast action if in the future the same condition presents itself.

Wishing you good health,
Hi Joy,

Glad you went to check it out! Hope you are doing better today.

Those 'spells' I like to call them can be scary. Are you taking any medication, beta blockers, blood pressure meds?

You may require an adjustment. Are TIA's common with tissue valves? Would think not. Year or so back thought I was having multiple TIA's. Had a CT scan, showed nothing.

Take care
you made the right choice...

you made the right choice...

I went to the ER via ambulance, a few days after I got home from the hospital, I was vomiting non-stop, couldn't eat anything, was dehydrated, my heart was racing at 138 and I was becoming SOB.

My family felt better that I was being care for since my PCP was gone all days and the only thing my cardiologist said was stop all the meds and call your PCP.

Of course it was the hospital that made me feel like I shouldn't have been there, but the nausea and vomiting was control, I was re-hydrated and they gave me my first nitro for the chest discomfort I was expierencing, the heart rate lower also to about 110, I was sent home in a several hours, and went to my PCP's partner the next day (saturday) still being put on new meds and still sick not vomiting but still not eating much, I saw My PCP on Monday and we discussed the meds problem we came up with a plan which so far (knock wood) is working

Point- you did the right thing, and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise!
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I'm so very sorry to hear that you had to go through such a scarey ordeal. Like everyone else here has said already; you did the right thing by going to the er. I would have done the same thing. You just can't take chances with things like that. I hope you are feeling better today. "Those Spells" are frightening. It could have been one of those things that just happens to us valvers. It is good though that your docs will be keeping an eye on you. Hope things get better.

Take Care!
Hey guys, I got some more news. I talked to my cardio again, and he thinks I threw a clot, so I am now going to be on coumadin for an unknown period of time, and am going back on metoprolol. I wonder if tricare would pay for a home testing thing? I hope so. I really don't want to quit babysitting, but might have to if I continue to decline. Kevin apologized for getting upset, and I know I did the right thing. The thing I am most afrraid of is that I have to give myself a shot every day. I am very nervous for that:( Well, I better get going. I will keep you all updated.


Hello Joy, I'm sorry to read that you are having some problems. This must be a very stressful time for you and I'm glad to see that Kevin is there for you. Please let us know how things go for you as you figure this out.

hi Joy,

That experience sounds scary!

You damn well did the right thing. I saw a news report about a very independant lady that did not get proper care after a stroke and will now spend her life needing help with everything. What a trade-off.
another thing, husbands quite often get angry and upset with situations. When you love and care for someone and things happen that we cant handle, its very frustrating.

You take care of yourself
Joy - you did it, you got attention (not necessarily treatment) for what could have been something very serious, then you went home to your little ones and your husband. You can never do better than that! God bless:)
Dear Joy:

I had read your post yesterday, and didn't have time to reply. Then, this morning, saw your updat regarding the coumaden. Good for you that you got yourself to the ER.....good recommendation from your Dr. - My husband had two or three TIA's, and didn't bother to tell me about them for days. You were very smart....... I recalled that you are a military wife. My daughter is as well. She also has Tricare. I'd be mighty surprised if they paid for a Protime machine......but who knows? She had an incredible mess of Dr. bills, etc. to straighten out, almost every week, during her recent pregnancy. And, of course it takes a while to get the baby's name into the system........

If something like this happens again, while you are at home alone with the children, just get on the phone immediately and dial 911. You never know.

Best wishes. - Marybeth
Hi Marybeth, I guess I got lucky, and tricare has always just paid my medical bills, and my kids get to go to a civilian provider, and the pay for that as well. Is she on tricare prime? I am going to have my cardio fill out the medical necessity form, I know he will think it's a good idea, since it is very hard for me to get to my doctor let alone go to the coumadin clinic every sngle week. I don't even know how I am going to do it this week! I have to go in on monday to have my INR checked, and I have to work during the hours that the lab is open. I guess I will have to bring Sadie(the little girl I babysit) with me. Hopefully not my own kids though!
hi joy!
i'm sorry you have to go through all this. i thought things were finally settling down a bit for you....
atleast you caught it and you are on the coumadin now.
hope you are feeling better.
please keep us up to date on how you're doing.
stay well, sylvia
Hi guys, I talked to my cardio's secretary yesterday, and she said that I probably don't need to be on coumadin for the rest of my life(especially since I have a bovine valve), and that he said "for now you are being well taken care of." It upsets me because this was the very reason I wanted the tissue valve. Last night it didn't hurt as bad to give myself the Lovenox shot, but it did a little. Sort of weird to give myself an injection, huh? I will recieve my holtor moniter today and start on that for two days and then send it back. That reminds me...I have to send my hubby out to get medical tape for me. I will do that when I wake him up at about 3:15PM. Otherwise I am doing well. My heart is still doing weird things, but that's what the holtor is for, right? Take it easy!
Joy, don't be in a rush to be free of coumadin. If the Doc feels that you need it, do it until he says stop. I can't emphasize enough how life saving the drug can be. I don't like it either, but I'd much rather be taking it and know that I'm doing all I can to prevent a clot from forming and doing the nasties to me. I went through rehab in the hospital with a bunch of stroke patients, so I know how they feel and have no desire to be one myself, in the near future. ;)
Hi Joy,

Sorry to hear your having some problems. I had to do the Lovenox + Coumadin thing for a couple of months because of a couple of blood clots in my calf shortly after surgery. I think I had to take it for 3 months IRRC. Goes by quicker than you think. If you are a shot whimp, ask you doc for some Emla cream. It's used for kids. rub a bit on and an hour later you can't feel the needle.

Best of luck.