Well, some good news anyhow

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2011
Escanaba Michigan
Just returned from my cardiac cath, all of my coronary arteries looked good. Still have to have the aortic valve and root replaced, but at least I dont have to add bypasses and stents too.
Doc is looking at about 2 months, has to consult with the surgeon and they will get us a date...
Yep, I got the same good news after my cath prior to my aortic valve and root replacement 7 years ago. It is indeed a nice feeling at that point to know your arteries are unclogged. Congrats on that, and best wishes for your surgery. You should do well.
Good for you. I go thru same thing 2-8. For Avr on 2-9. I hope I'm as lucky as u !! No chest pains so hoping arteries clear. The shortness of breath is from stenosis. Can't wait to get that baby fixed ! Again. Good luck
Nancy. St Louis mo
Yeah, I had this done last summer, and it was good news to hear my arteries weren't clogged. Plus I got some killer meds that had me in extacy!
Buck, I hope you find some comfort in knowing the nature of the problem now and knowing for certain that surgery is needed. You can now begin dealing with the minutiae of planning and preparing for your recovery. Let us know how we can help.


Thanks Larry, this is a very informative site, I have learned quite a bit here, some through asking questions and some through just reading other people's questions. I've got more questions coming up I'm sure. Thanks again, to everyone
I'm glad you found that you don't need additional plumbing repairs. I needed some extra's (single bypass) but the only side effect I've noted from the added surgical procedure is a numb spot in my chest where the bypass artery was "borrowed" from. Not a big deal. I guess that as long as I would someday need the bypass, it was best to do it while we were doing the valve.

The bottom line is that these surgeons and their teams do this stuff every day, so for them it is just another day at work. For us, it is a life-changing event. Be confident that no matter what they find, your team will be there for you.