Well, my cardiologist took it seriously!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
(Previous posts: "shortness of breath again" and "Should I be concerned?")

I am now on summer break, thanks to my cardiologist, Dr. V.:cool:

I saw Dr. V Tuesday as planned. I took my husband's and Nancy's advice about recording all my symptoms in a journal. I typed it all up on my computer and printed a copy for Dr. V. What was merely going to be a follow-up and medical release for work turned out to be an emergency. All of you who replied to my last post had it pinned: my mitral valve IS failing. Dr. V ordered a stress echo for yesterday. After the echo tech did the ultrasound of my valve, she called Dr. V in to look at it (depending on what he saw, he was either going to continue with the test or not).

The first thing he said was, "Your valve has gotten worse." Now I went from "You won't need your valve replaced until robots do surgery" last April to "You need your valve fixed NOW."

I will be seeing Dr. Vaughn Starnes from USC soon...apparently he will be my surgeon. Dr. V would like me to get my valve worked on within the next two weeks, but as of yet, the details haven't been worked out. I might need an angiogram to determine the severity of the valve pre-surgery, or I might just head straight to surgery.

I'll let you all know the details as soon as they come, but thanks for your advice. I knew something was wrong and I'm glad my cardiologist sees it too and is willing to do something about it.

Debi (debster913)
I'm glad you're making progress. I have kept up with your difficulties and am rooting for you. Glad the cardiologist is on the same page as you are. Best wishes to you.
Great Debi! I am so glad for you! My mom had her mitral valve replace last yr at age 64. She waited too long and has permanent damage-although she is doing well now thank God! You now can avoid that mess and get fixed up-yippee! Good for you for being determined and listening to your body:) Deb
Printing your symptoms up usually works wonders. Once it gets on paper it cannot be refuted.

Good work! I'm sorry you have to have this done, but it's the only option now. Years ago, there were no options.
I know it seem crazy-fast, but trust me that only having to wait a couple weeks is absolutely a great thing. Just think: this time next month you're going to feel better than you have in years!
Sounds strange to write but I am happy for you. Getting the doctor to FINALLY listen and acknowledge problems is a major chore for way too many people. Been there, done that, and it is not fun.
I hope things go smoothly from here and you are fixed and on the mend in no time.
Good Luck

Good Luck

Thank God they found the problem Debi. You will be in my prayers for a boring surgery and speedy, uneventful recovery.

I agree Debi - best thing is get r done NOW. I had something similar in that, were it not for that botched colonoscopy, leading to loss of half my blood and a mild MI, I would have gone another couple of months thinking all was ok. Not so, my left ventrical was failing fast. I am just hoping (like all get out) that it can heal and return somewhat to normal now that I have Hillary in place (I named my Aortic cow Valve :D ).

I can already attest to what others said above about feeling so much better in such a short time. Just getting rid of the angina is great. And I feel SO relaxed now (I think this wonderful weather is helping). Took my bp a few mins ago and it is 135/78. My wife dropped me off at the video store while she did some grocery shopping. Felt great just to be doing NORMAL STUFF.

Anyway, I am actually hoping that you "head straight to surgery", because you got to know that are there. -- it's time.
Keep us posted
I'm glad to read that things are moving forward and you are getting fixed ASAP. Once I was sent to a surgeon, I had my surgery within 10 days. That was a good thing for me.

Keep us posted on what is going on and best wishes and prayers.
Whew! I'm so glad you had your list of symptoms in hand and your cardiologist took you seriously. Sounds like you're on-track for getting on with a healthier normal life!

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