Well it's that time.

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
Well all my pre-op tests are complete, it was a very emotional and tiring day, I was working off of little sleep, and running from building to building all day. Had a couple things happen that absolutely crushed me mentally, but I'd rather not get into that. Just trying to pick myself back up from somewhat of a nervous breakdown.

I'm scheduled for 7am surgery so this will be my last post until after surgery. I'll update as soon as I'm able to. I want to say thank you to all of you who reached out, offered insight, or helped questions. It means alot to me and just really can't thank each one of you enough.

So I'll see you on the other side.

We'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Ovie.
You'll do fine. Sorry you had such a tough day today but hopefully that means the worst is behind you.
Think all positive thoughts and coast through the surgery.
We'll wait to hear good news from you as soon as you are able.
Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!

Rest easy tonight! Soon it will be all overwith and you'll be on your way to enjoying a healthier and better life!

Godspeed! :)
Hang in there Ovie! You've got lots of people here pulling for you. Sending all the good thoughts I can think your way today.

Right about now you are scheduled to be going in to surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Give a yell when you feel you can. We'll be here waiting to hear.