Well....It's Now Official....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
I am shocked!!! This weekend while battleling nausea, I received my official notice that I will be getting my Social Security...The Battle Is Over!! Whew!!!! :D :D :D I know that living on SS is not going to be all that great, but it's better than I am doing now....not to mention the fact that I am really glad that the waiting is over and hopefully, I can move forward from here. I just thought I would let everyone know.... :D :D Harrybaby666


I can imagine that it has been a long road. Thank goodness it is done. My father lived on disability for his knees till he passed away from lung cancer, and you're right, it's not the greatest, but boy, did he know how to stretch his dollars! He lived on $800 a month for years and I was so proud of him. I get so mad when someone complains about the cost of this and the cost of that, I want to say, try living on $800 and you'll see how the real people live!
Hi Harry

Hi Harry

Glad to hear you got SS... My sister ( a widow) now for almost..14 years had applied and turned down. :mad: However, she is lucky to have a job for 4 hours with her local Red Cross Office..so she has insurance. And only 5 minutes from her home. Only brings home maybe $500.00 a month..but feels it's worth it for her insurance.She just turned age 59 and I think she will be able to draw SS from her late hubby in another 6 months.Good thing..because I think his life insurance is about gone for her.. Had to raise 2 teenage boys..He died from an aneurysm..at age 50.. :eek: Got sick one night and died the next day......I have heard many bad stories on SS disability.. I know 1 lady who has it..and is still working and traveling.. :confused: :confused: Have you seen the lollipops for nausea?They have it at my checkout at my local grocery store.(Where they have the candy, gum, ect.) Bonnie
Congratulations on winning the battle. It's nice to know our taxes are actually going out to help fellow VR folks.
Great news Harry! You've really made some progress in the last few weeks.

Peggy -
Boy, I sure can relate to trying to live on $800 a month! I don't know whether to get mad or laugh at people who say "Gee I wish I didn't have to work. Just think of all the things I could be doing." - with what??!!! If I had the engery, I sure as h**l don't have the money! Ahhhh... the grass is always greener.....

A : )
Yeah Harry! I'm so glad that you finally got your SS. $800 isn't much to live on but it's better than nothing. I started receiving mine this last summer. I have to fill out updated forms about every six months. All my doctor's have to fill out forms each time. Oh well, it's not like I'm really going to get well, not having leukemia. I'm stuck with that awful disease.
Dear Harry - I am so glad you hung in there. We can all take home the medals when one of these battles is won. And if there is anybody else on the panel fighting this battle, please take heart by Harry's award (believe it or not, that's what they call it) and press on to get yours. It can be done, but you have to have a lot of sticktoitiveness. Good for you, Harry.
It's such a great feeling of relief when the notice of award comes. I was nearly devastated before the letter got to me 2 1/2 years after filing and fighting numerous turn downs. We were on the final brink. Just about homeless, out of benefits, you name it, it was all coming at me at light speed. Yeap, I know the feeling well. ;)