Well, I am back from my echocardiogram...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
Just thought I would post and tell you all that I went through my echocardiogram yesterday and the valves still look ok...However, I have to go in for a cardiac catheterization on June 30th as they have found a blockage and they want to take care of it :eek:. I just wanted to post and let yall know how the test came out. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Ah they'll just put a ureter stent in place for 8 weeks and rip it out through your urethra. No big deal! :D
I'm glad your valves look good. And on a positive note, after they take care of the blockage, perhaps you will feel much more energized!

Hope all goes well Harry, sorry about the blockage, once you have the stent you will feel better.. :)
Glad to hear of your valves good report - although I do understand if you feel some sort of disappointment of the good news because then maybe it would help explain why you feel so crappy! Been there, done that.

Did they say how they want to take care of the blockage???
Harry, I hope this helps you feel a little better.
You didn't say how they found the blockage. Do you know where it is?
The best to you Harry. You will be in my prayers.
Not Yet Karlynn..

Not Yet Karlynn..

Karlynn said:
Glad to hear of your valves good report - although I do understand if you feel some sort of disappointment of the good news because then maybe it would help explain why you feel so crappy! Been there, done that.

Did they say how they want to take care of the blockage???

Dr. Cutler didn't say anything about what they were going to do except for the cardiac cath, and then he said he will discuss with me what they are going to do...LOL I guess this means that if it's something bad, they will fix now, explain later....LOL We Shall See
:eek: :D :eek: :D :D
No Betty, they didn't tell me where it was...

No Betty, they didn't tell me where it was...

bvdr said:
Harry, I hope this helps you feel a little better.
You didn't say how they found the blockage. Do you know where it is?
The best to you Harry. You will be in my prayers.

My cardiologist is direct, right to the point, and really doesn't give me time to ask questions....all he told me was that I have to go in asap (June 30th) and have it taken care of...He found the blockage after I failed my chemical stress test back in May. So much for fun. Anyway, as soon as I know more, I will post here, and if I should have to go in the hospital, I will instruct my brother (Stacey) to post for me. Meanwhile, I hope you have a very happy birthday tomorrow Betty, as my brother shares your birthday, he turns 40 tomorrow, so we will be celebrating by going to visit some friends in Montreal. Take Care, Harrybaby
:D :D :D :D :D
Hi Harry, don't you just wish it was simple for once?!! Anyhoo, I've been wondering how you've been going. I hope the cath goes OK and they can sort out the blockage.

Best wishes,
Anna : )
Why does good news...........

Why does good news...........

always come with some bad news, too? Glad to hear about the valves, but that sucks about the blockage. At least they think they can fix it with a cath - that beats the heck out of OHS anyday. Sending you hugs and prayers and lots of hope that this will make you feel better. Janet

I'm sorry to hear about the blockage, but you know what? This is a "Bingo!" kind of moment, when a diagnosis finally fits the symptoms. So I'm hoping that after getting it fixed, you'll be feeling much better.

I second Nancy's words ... the "AHA!" moment when everything falls in place.

I hope you have a positive experience during your cath. I had an angel looking over my shoulder. A real live one, no kidding. His name was AJ and he didn't leave my side the first hour post-op, taking my INR and keeping me awake whenever my heartrate monitored bleeped. (My avg. HR is about 50 and has been all my life due to sports ... I've even had an EKG record 38!)

May the force be with you --
I'll be thinking of you

I'll be thinking of you

Hi Harry. Well, after reading all those comments before mine, here, I'm going with the positive thought that this just might be one of the things that has been slowing you down! And they've found it and they're gonna fix it!! That's where I'm putting my money down!!

Does sound kinda scary, but I know so many people who have had angioplasties or similar procedures and have come out shining and none too worse for the wear. I know you will too.

Keep us posted!

:D Marguerite
Hi Harry ... is it possible that this is what was causing your symptoms all along? In any event, I'm glad they found it and a plan is in place.

Harry, just like always, hugs and prayers are coming your way. I hope they can get to the bottom of things and you will feel like a new man!
Hi Harry,

Gee, maybe the blockage is what has been causing all of your symptoms? Glad they found it before it caused even more. Hope you will be feeling so much better after it is taken care of. Hopefully by stent and not by by-pass....but which ever, you should feel better.

And great news about the valves!

Will look for posts to see how you are doing.
Thanks Gang!

Thanks Gang!

Just want to post and say thank you for all the nice posts. I have to admit that I am scared because I don't like the thought of them having to crack open my chest if necessary (I am praying that they don't have to) . I am thinking positive thoughts though. once again, thanks. Harrybaby :D :D :D