weird experience- help

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hey all,
havent posted in ages im coming up to my one year post op of ross procedure. Today something weird happened and havent had a chance to see doctor yet thought i might share and hope anyone has experienced anything similar. Ok well i was in a car for about 45 minutes and hadnt had much sleep last night and wasnt feeling particularly well, my hands started to go numb and stiff, like was really hard to more them and i was a little confused but decided it was just lack of sleep and probably needed some food. so i didnt say anything, after about 10 minutes the weird sensation didnt go away and started spreading to the point where i couldnt feel my legs or arms and my whole body was tingling including my face. i started getting dizzy and by this stage was sharing my feeling with the driver and another friend. the driver, one of my mates, who happens to work in a hospital so is handy in these situations, decided to pull over when i started freaking out, i thought i was having a heart attack or something. anyway he pulled over thought maybe some air and stretch legs would help. i tried to get out of the car and collapsed as i couldnt feel my legs. he helped me walk around for a few minutes and the weird feelings went away. he checked my pulse and it was fine, so i dont know even if it had anything to do with myheart but when it was happening i washaving some chest pain. Now looking back on it i think it was just lack of food and then anxxiety attack when i started freaking out, but thought id share and maybe someone else has had a similar experience and can put my mind at ease. im going to see my doctor on the weekend and will tell her about it
any help would be great
Jess to me, it sounds like a blood pressure issue, but could well be TIA or a ministroke. By all means, tell your Doctor about it now.
As Ann said, we're anxious to know what your dr. tells you. I've had issues since my surgery that concerned me, but nothing quite like that. Hopefully it was nothing. Good luck.

(I'm not sure why I noticed your post amongst all of the others.)
Its All Ok

Its All Ok

sorry took so long to get back had tests and got results back today, all is ok, must have just been a weirde experience unrelated to heart.
thanks for your help everyone
I have had similar feelings in one arm or the other. It seemed to result from pressure at a particular place in my back which presumably cut off blood flow to the affected arm. The sensation would go away after repositioning.

How that could happen to several parts of your body all at once is curious. Maybe something to do with blood pressure as suggested previously.

'AL Capshaw'
I've had that type of thing happen a few times. Sacry as $%^&* when driving. They came up with the diagnosis of "pancerebral hypoperfusion", like Ross said, basically low blood pressure. Much less frequent after dropping the beta blockers. I found that cold air blowing on my face lessens the symptoms to the point where I can get over and walk around. Also keep bottles of water in the car to keep the blood volume up. Only happens when sitting or slow going, never when active or walking. Wierd, no one has come up with any diagnostic findings. Could be panic attacks; may be Martians, who knows

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