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Just about every place has a saying about wait 5 minutes and the weather will change. I'd like to hear somebody top this forecast for Denver tomorrow. "High of 61 with 4 inches of snow expected by midnight."
Can't top that "swinging" forcast. However, how about "we messed up the forecast"?

Evening Flurries and Snow Showers, Snow Overnight
1"-3" Possible By Saturday Morning.
Low 26

Right now (3AM) we have 6 inches of new snow on the ground and it's still coming down.

weather forcast

weather forcast

Calgary Alberta 21 C(72F) this afternoon. 1:35 am 1C(32F) dropping with snow flurries to -3C (29F). Not as much snow as you people are getting. We have had summer like weather here for a couple of weeks. Now a blast of winter. Which is not unusual for Southern Alberta.
Good luck with all that snow!
We call those blasts "Alberta Clippers" down here.
Yesterday the low was 17 and the high 71 - a 54 degree swing. Your choice when going to work is to be too cold in the morning or too hot in the afternoon.
The 6% humidity with blowing dust means that Monday, we will be swamped with nosebleed calls.
Been there, done that!

Been there, done that!

We lived in C. Springs for a total of 8 years. Nothing unusual in that weather report. I taught at the Air Force Academy in the '70's and called my wife in C. Springs to tell her I might not be able to get home that night because of the snowstorm. "What snowstorm?", she asked. "The weather is beautiful and the sun is shining brightly." I got home that night and there wasn't a snowflake to be seen. I don't miss that Colorado weather!

Try this one

Try this one

Yesterday..Nice warm day..I put on a light weight short sleeved sweater .did some running around town. Came home..rested a tad and decided to walk the dog..Went outside..dark, cloudy, temp dropping...grabbed a light weight jacket and started to walk. Turned around on the way back home, raining, snowing (flurries)..and looked to the West. sun shining... :eek: ..... I live on top of a Mountain and it could be raining here and 2 miles down to our entrance gate. Sun shining. :D Bonnie
Far too hot!

Far too hot!

Here in the south of Brazil where I live it's been far too hot for this time of year. We'll be coming into autumn within a couple of weeks but it feels like summer's just starting. It hasn't rained properly for about a month now and we're worried we might have a drought. I just can't wait for it to cool down a bit.
We have no tsunamis, hurricaines or volcanoes and earthquakes and tornadoes are rare.
Saying in Southern Alberta

Saying in Southern Alberta

Here we say you "Slip on the ice, Fall in the mud and get up and dust yourself off" Take care
Well they hit the forecasr just about right. It got to 64 in Denver yesterday and was snowing hard by the time the 10PM news came on.

In Pueblo we did a little better. It was 78 (record high) yesterday and was snowing about 12 hours later. If you would like to see what the sky looked like when it was 78 and fixin' to snow look at

This page will take awhile to load but if I had cropped it any, it would have lost its impact.

The mountains on the bottom left are about where the Royal Gorge is and on the right they are just west of Pike's Peak and Cripple Creek.

I stayed in Pueblo on my drive back to Ohio from California last May. It is now on my list of places to consider for "the last move of my life" (in other words - a place to retire).

Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories of the beautiful sky and mountains. Luckily I missed the snow :D.

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