Wear Red for Women on Friday, Feb 3rd

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Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
Go Red For Women...on National Wear Red Day!

National Wear Red Day is Friday, February 3, 2006. On this day, millions of Americans will be wearing red to show their support for women and the fight against heart disease. Too few people realize that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women - and of men - but the good news is that heart disease can largely be prevented. By wearing red on National Wear Red Day, you can help the American Heart Association raise awareness of heart disease and inspire women to take charge of their heart health.

It's important for us as individuals to help push the medical community to acknowledge and react to women's heart issues, particularly those involving undiagnosed or undertreated valve conditions. Women have mitral prolapse twice as often as men. Unfortunately, they are also less likely to be given followup test or have their symptoms taken seriously, even by female doctors.

One way to help do this is to show the the general public that this is a critical issue, so they will bring it to their doctors and will push for better attention to women's heart problems.

Join the millions of Americans wearing red on Friday, February 3rd and encourage others to do the same. Get involved. Go Red For Women. It's a simple, powerful way to improve women's heart health. For more information, visit www.goredforwomen.org or call the American Heart Association at 1-888-MY-HEART (1-888-694-3278).

Just my opinion...

Best wishes,
My sister-in-law, who suffers from mitral valve prolapse, sent me this link several weeks ago.
We still have a long way to go before the medical establishment takes women's heart concerns seriously.
Thanks for the Reminder

Thanks for the Reminder

Thanks, Bob H, I was wondering what day it was this week. I for one, will have my bright red sweater on [and long underwear underneath if this darn cold keeps up!]

Peggy in Alaska


I have already started wearing my red dress pin and have several to give to women friends with heart disease. Didn't know about Fri. I will be wearing red and also on 2/14.
I wore red and had the bonus that for $5, I was allowed to wear jeans to work, although I had to also wear the red "flying dress" pin to show that I had contributed to the AHA.

It's to be remembered that this doesn't get equal coverage everywhere, and I didn't happen to see it even mentioned on NY TV, on CNN, or even in the Sunday paper. As such, there are still a lot of people who aren't aware what it was all about. I suspect that was Daniel's issue: if it isn't properly advertised, people won't know why others seem to be wearing red anyway. After all, awareness is the point of the day.

As far as I have been aware of it, this is the second year. It was bigger this year than last. Hopefully, by 2007 it will pick up more steam. Thank you to those who participated!

Best wishes,
An update from Blanche - the Wear Red campaign is at least four years old! This proves it's still growing, as more and more people are becoming aware of it each year:

Blanche said:
The first "Wear Red Day" was in February 2003. I know this because Arizona State's Keer Cultural Center provided free admission to one of its events to women and men who wore red. Also, there is a new version of the "Wear Red" pin every year.
Guess I should have been collecting my pins all along!

Best wishes

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