Weak, Shakey, Increases HR?

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Has anyone ever experienced getting really weak and shakey? I am normally tired alot but this started yesterday and was wondering if any of you have ever had this. I couldn't hardly finish my shower, I got so weak that I had to go sit down and every time I would attempt to do anything I would get weak, shakey and my heart rate increased. I called my Card and they said if things worsen or if I don't feel better in a couple of days to go to the ER . I am not quite as bad this AM but still have it with some SOB. Has anyone experienced this before?
I'm wondering if you contracted a flu bug or something. Are you running a temp, have diarrhea or are nauseous?

If not, and you aren't better by this afternoon, I'd go to the ER or doctor's office.
No to all the symptoms you listed. No chest pain either. Just can't do much without feeling weak and shakey.
Hi Cathy....I get weak alot as well, especially when I am

Hi Cathy....I get weak alot as well, especially when I am

waking up in the morning....The Dr's have told me that in my case, it's anemeia brought on by the CHF, and I do get SOB when I climb stairs, or do any lifting...Tell me, do you find this stuff happening when you do any exhertional stuff at all? As for the trembling/shakiness, I do get that as well, but I am almost certain that it's from the Diabetes, and not from the heart. I agree completely with Karlynn, if it's not any better soon, go to the ER OK? Hope you get to feeling better ASAP! Harrybaby:D

This started yesterday and you were so weak today you could barely finish your shower?
I would be calling my cardio -- or my PCP -- and insist on being seen today or tomorrow morning. Do you have a surgery date yet?
When in doubt, check it out.
catwoman said:

This started yesterday and you were so weak today you could barely finish your shower?
I would be calling my cardio -- or my PCP -- and insist on being seen today or tomorrow morning. Do you have a surgery date yet?
When in doubt, check it out.

I agree. The other thing to keep in mind is that as a mitral valve worsens it becomes more difficult to tolerate other illnesses as well. The heart is already working extra hard to to supply your system with ample oxygenated blood that any additional oxygen demands, whether the fight off infection, do more stenuous activities, be a high altitude or what have you, can overload the heart. Also dehydration and several other things can cause the weakness and shakiness. Knowing you already have a stressed heart I think you should follow up on this and be seen today.
Thanks you all for your concerns and advise. I did call my Card yesterday. Today I am a little better. Did come into work but am taking it easy. Mostly just sitting at my desk. I feel fine if I don't exert myself. That is why it is hard for me to take this very seriously. Yes, I am hard headed and have a high pain tolerence so tend to brush things off if I can somewhat function. I will probably see how today goes. I was just checking to see if you all have had these symptoms before.
catwomen - I see my Card next friday and plan to talk about setting up a surgery date for November.
Just out of curiosity - do you get SOB if you raise your arms over your head, or shoulder height or higher? Were you SOB and shakey while shampooing your hair?


The rapid heart rate and shakey feeling sounds like tachycardia. I've had it since my surgery and it's not fun. The heart pumps too fast for the chambers to fill up with blood. That lowers BP which of course causes the heart rate to increase in an effort to keep blood flowing to the brain. Or something like that. If that's it, it's easy to treat but requires a Holter monitor to diagnose.
Yes on the arms above my head. I was shampooing my hair and had to bring my hands down to rest before I finished. This doesn't happen on a day to day basos though. Blood sugar if fine. They did have a holter monitor on me last year when I would have some tachycardia going on but nothing would show up while I was on a monitor. ( of course) Chest is feeling a little funny right now. Some what tight feeling. It is just hard to know when to be concerned and when to not.
Just FWIW - the SOB with arms raised was the symptom that made my cardio agree to surgery.
Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but it'd be wise to get in to your cardio before next Friday. Your chest is feeling "funny," a little "tight." You have SOB if you raise your arms. You're tired unless you rest a lot. That's not normal.

One week may or may not make a difference in your situation.
But: better to spend a co-pay "needlessly" than to ignore a fire alarm.

You may need to move up your anticipated surgery date.
Hi Cathy -

I had several "episodes" like that in the last several months before my valve replacement. It seemed also to gradually get worse, and then got more frequent, and I finally got where I even had weak and dizzy and shakey episodes while just sitting and visiting with friends -- all before my BAV was replaced. I felt like it was all because my valve was beginning to fail.

Another BTW, but a question: What exactly does SOB stand for and/or how is it defined? I believe I've read it before but I'm just not recalling it right now.

Hope everything goes well for you, Cathy!
Got Checked Out.

Got Checked Out.

My Cardio is out till Monday and his office wanted me to go to the ER. I did, not really wanting to go that route. The outcome they came up with was viral. I was running a low grade fever when I got there, not knowing I was feverish. They couldn't really explain the chest discomfort or Tachycardia. My HR was in the 70's while I was lying down but as soon as I stood up it immediatly jumped to the low 100's. I wasn't even moving around. The chest pain did subside. Now it just comes and goes. I will visit with my Cardio next Friday about all this and schedule a surgery date. I am still wanting an after Thanksgiving date. We'll see. Karlynn, the arms above the head kinda makes me think it's definately time.
Thanks to all of you for your concern and information. It really helps to talk to people who have been there.
Oh - don't you all hate going to the ER and having to explain your condition over and over!
Rachel -
I am going to Missouri Heart Center in Columbia and really like my Cardio and Surgeon. They work out of Boone Hospital. But I know where you are talking about. Do you still have family around here?
Cathy, I can always tell if I'm getting sick because my HR jumps up upon exertion. I think it's pretty common for MVP and MVR people. However, I don't get SOB. Yours may be a combo of the mitral valves response to the virus and the fact that you may be heading to surgery time.

Glad you went to get it checked out.

(PS - I know how to get to Boone Co. hospital - too bad I'm not in the area anymore!)

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