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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
I didn't know where to put this, but I needed to share some anxiety, just to get it off my chest. As a reminder, I am recovering from an infected ICD that had to be removed Jan. 27th. I have been on IV antibiotics since the 26th, and was scheduled to take them for 6 weeks. Yesterday I got a phone call from my doctor's office saying to stop taking the antibiotics because my bloodwork came back with a very low white blood count. They also sent in my home health nurse to take more blood. This morning I got a phone call saying that the WBC is still low (maybe lower? didn't have time to ask specifics) and they want me to have a shot of Nupagin (sp?) today and tomorrow to bring up the WBC. Unfortunately, the medical suppliers that have been supplying my antibiotics said they don't have the Nupagin, and that I need to use my drug card to get it from a pharmacy. But my drug card doesn't cover injectables. So I'm supposed to call the doctor back at lunch and find out what we're going to do to get the shot.

They also said that I was to call them immediately if I start getting a fever or feel sick. Also, I am supposed to "avoid being around people who are sick." Now I ask, how is a teacher supposed to do that?!

So now I'm freaking out, wondering if I'm going to get really sick now. I've got a headache (I've had it since Thursday, and I DID tell the nurse), and I've been feeling "funny" (heart wise) the last several days. Could this be the WBC, or just a coincidence? I'm wondering if I should stay home from work until this is resolved, to prevent getting sick. But I am all out of sick days, and I don't want to stay home needlessly.

I'll try to update after I've talked to the doctor's office and found out more about what's going on. I'm hoping they can ease my worries. Does anyone here have experience with low WBC?

Dear Niki,

I am so sorry that you are continuing to have so many problems. I don't know anything to help you. As far as getting the Nupagin covered maybe the doctor's office can help. Or try calling your insurance company to see what company they are contracted with for injectables. Maybe another home health agency in your town or your hospital can provide it for you. Sometimes it helps to call the human resources dept at your job and talk to the person that handles the employee benefits. When I went to the human resources dept were I worked I had to talk to the head of the dept to get help. The other people just blow me off.

Have you been able to stop using the wound vac? How is your skin doing from all of the dressing changes?



Which antibiotic are you taking. There are some that can cause your WBC to drop (hardly makes sense, huh! something thats fighting infection that hurts what helps you FIGHT infection!)
Neupogen through your pharmacy is VERY expensive, even if they have it. I'd bug the doctor to get you some. Tell them what's going on with your home health agency. They can probably get some, but not for a couple of days.

What is your count anyway?

Would your doctor OK it if you wore a mask and used alcohol gel religiously? And made the kids do so as well?
I just got off the phone with the doctor's office. Apparently they were able to convince the people who are providing my antibiotic to give me the Neupogen through them (why it was a problem in the first place I'll never know). Now it's a matter of getting it to me for tonight. My home health nurse is trying to work it out (it's a different agency that is providing the meds) to have it sent to her, since it needs to be refridgerated and no one is at my house right now. She's planning to come by this evening to give me the shot.

I have no idea what my WBC number is, but when I talked to the dr. office they said to just be sure to wash my hands and pay attention if I start having symptoms of fever. They didn't mean to worry me, they just didn't want me to ignore something that could lead to more. I also asked my home health nurse if I needed to stay home from work and she said no, but that she wanted to give me a mask to wear to work (I REALLY don't want to do that! :eek: ). Hopefully the Neupogen will do the trick and there will be no worries. Heck, maybe I will get rid of the PICC line early. ;)

As for my VAC, I got it off on Saturday. But there is still no rest for my skin. I've got some other type of dressing on now (can't remember what it is called) with a water proof covering over it so I can shower. The stuff they are putting over the wound is algae (I think) with silver in it. Or something like that. I can't wait for this thing to be healed so I can feel back to normal!
Nikki, listen to me. Wear the mask. Wash your hands all the time. Be obsessive about it.

Glad your people finally worked it out. Sometimes they have to talk to each other and not to you. Amazing what they can accomplish when they face facts and each other, isn't it?

Thinking of you all these past months - and praying, too.
Hi Nikki...

Hi Nikki...

I may not understand completely what is going on with you healthwise, but please know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for nothing but the best for you as I do everyone here at VR.Com...I hope you get to feeling better mighty quick...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
P.S. Sending you Super Hugs from Harrybaby :D :eek: :D :DLOL