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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2008
Limassol, Cyprus
Dear All.
While reading the Warfarin leaflet I have noticed that one should not take Warfarin if have had an infection of the lining of his heart.
I had to replace my aortic valve with a Carbomedics valve 15months ago due to Endocarditis. Surely, Endocarditis is closely related to the heart lining infection.
All I can say now is ??????????!!!!!!!!!!. Is there any explanation or answer to the above comment as stated in Warfarin's leaflet?
I wouldn't sweat it any. One things certain, if the valve hadn't been replaced, you wouldn't be here today to be upset about what your reading. Many many people have had Endocarditis and mechanical valves put in and are on Coumadin. No one has reported any problems to my knowledge. Now you may want to check with Al Lodwick and see if he has, but I highly doubt it. You can reach him at [email protected]
maybe talk to whoever prescribes/doses your warfarin, your cardiologist or even your family physician, but I think Ross has just stated the basics -

valve + warfarin = life
no valve = no life

I wouldn't worry too much, just ask a medical professional - and hey, didn't your mother warn you not to believe everything you read?? :D
Albert has endocarditis, due to dental work, in 1990. When the infection cleared, he had his mitral valve replaced. Since then he has been taking Coumadin daily.
I would put more trust in myself than in physicians or cardiologists. Not enough of them know about dosing anti-coagulants. I would be dead if I listened to all of them. Of course I have been on coumadin for 20 years and do read this forum and other literature. I doubt that the physicians read anything to learn more about coumadin. Everyone on anti-coagulant needs to learn how to adjust their doses to stay in range.
My double valve replacement was due to endocarditis and of course I am on warfarin for life. Since the alternative to taking warfarin is probably (almost certainly) having strokes caused by the clots forming on the valves then it is a no brainer, you have to take warfarin.