I am 3 weeks today post-op with my mechanical MV. I am having some time getting my levels right. Have been seeing my internist twice weekly for the finger stick. First my levels were too low, but now they're too high. They want between 2.5 and 3.5 but last Friday I was 3.9 and yesterday I was 3.8. I have been taking 6 mg warfarin since last Friday... after yesterday she wants me to keep taking 6 mg, except on the weekends take 5 mg. After thinking about it and talking to my husband about it, I don't see how that is going to lower my level that much. I put in a call to my cardiologists office to get a second opinion and am waiting for a call back. Just wondering if anyone with experience has any words of wisdom for me. I keep reading posts saying that warafin is not that bad as it's made out to be, but I am having a hard time adopting that attitude. Before my two surgeries this year I was always very healthy and didn't take meds unless I absolutely had to. Now I am going to be on something for the rest of my life and it makes me nervous. I guess you could say I don't trust daily meds b/c I have always had neg. experiences with side effects and things like that. I always thought I could rely on vitamins and green tea and I miss that... Just rambling but hoping for any insight - thank you.