Warfarin and antibiotics?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Victoria, Australia
I have been put on a course of antibiotics (Erythromycin and Flagyl) for an infection in my mouth. I have a dentist appointment booked in two days to see if it is actually tooth related. I know both those antibiotics will interact with the warfarin and push the INR up. I was hoping for some personal experiences as to what to expect. I have an INR booked in five days, my last one 9 days ago was 2.1, so a bit of room to play with.

Mostly I am just hoping I don't need an extraction, because that would be some very painful rigmarole. I am terrified of the dentist!
I have had erythromycin before, and as long as I follow the directions about food it is not too bad. I will check out that link, thanks Freddie.
I have been put on a course of antibiotics (Erythromycin and Flagyl) for an infection in my mouth. I have a dentist appointment booked in two days to see if it is actually tooth related. I know both those antibiotics will interact with the warfarin and push the INR up. I was hoping for some personal experiences as to what to expect. I have an INR booked in five days, my last one 9 days ago was 2.1, so a bit of room to play with.

Mostly I am just hoping I don't need an extraction, because that would be some very painful rigmarole. I am terrified of the dentist!

Rule of thumb is that any drug that ends in azole (as in metronidazole -- Flagyl) will increase the INR.



I've never taken Flagyl. I've taken erythromycin in the past, but can't stomach :D it in the doses needed as a prophylactic, even taken with food.

Why are you taking two antibiotics? Where exactly is the infection?