Walking goals

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Sorry that I have not posted most lately. Been walking as much as possible more in the last three weeks. Been doing good, increased by one hour a day. Took a break today. I walked possibly six miles total yesterday and wore myself out. Hope everyone walks a little everyday. It is cardio-vascular exercise and is good for you. Soon, I will be going to a gym 2 to 3 days a week, hopefully by the first of Nov. I will be doing free weights and as well as exercise classes. There will be some equipment I can use. I will not push myself too much, got to go easy at first. I feel so much better after doing my walking anyway, the gym will be the same way. Have a good week everyone.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve

Good for you. I think you will find the gym to be exciting, and hope that it offers some counseling as to types of exercise that will be appropriate for you as you get fit.

If your gym has one of the Concept II rowers, I highly recommend it as an all around exercise that provides great cardio-vascular conditioning and full-body muscle toning at the same time.

Let us know how you're doing. Every milestone is important, and we'd love to celebrate with you!