Waiting room reading

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The 23rd--Tuesday--is my big day. Going in to have my overworked bicuspid valve replaced with an ATC Mechanical. And thanks to the website, I'm ready for the overhaul.

But it occurred to me that some of my support team might not be as ready as I am. While I've kept them up-to-date on the big picture, there are many details about heart disease and corrective surgery that I have not shared.

And so I've put together a three-ring binder of the highlights of my research over the past five months...a scrapbook of news articles, medical abstracts, personal test results and copies of many of the helpful posts I've found at valvereplacement.com.

Come Tuesday--once all the magazines in the waiting room have been read--my family can thumb through my binder and read the details behind my choice of surgeon, hospital and valve replacement. They all know I'm confident about this surgery; the book explains the reasons in fine print.

Near the front of the scrapbook is the question I posted on this website in July: "When to replace it?" You gave me the reasons why it was time for me to press to have this surgery done now rather than wait for the docs to come to a consensus. (And you were right.)

While it might not be quite as interesting to read as the news about Paris Hilton's latest vacation, this personal journal will help my kids and other folk pass the time with the good news about heart repair.

One message that I hope sticks with them: When it comes to medical choices, you've got to learn enough to become your own best expert.

Thanks for helping me become mine.

When you feel it is right for you, please come back to share your knowledge and experience with those who come to the site for support and understanding.

I'll be raking a 25-ton tandem of stone into my driveway on Tuesday, so I'll have plenty of time to think about your surgery, and send good thoughts your way. Please ask someone to post on your condition, if possible. I wish you great success with your surgery and recovery.

Best wishes,
Best wishes for a successful surgery and trouble-free recovery. Isn't it amazing how calm and confident we feel when we've done our research and have taken part in the decision making? Will be thinking of you and yours on Tuesday.
Happy heart, what a great idea. My daughter-in-laws are both very into "scrapbooking" and what they put together is truly a work of art. What you have put together is truly a work of heart and I'm sure it will help your family acclimate themselves to what is happening.

I wish the very best for you with your surgery and you will be in my heart and prayers. Please have someone post for you if possible. You know we will be here waiting to hear from you.
Happy Heart,

Good luck with your upcoming surgery...I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. One word of warning...beware of the turkey they may try to serve you in the hospital on Thanksgiving if you're up to eating by then. ;)
Hey there -

Hope all goes well for you. I haven't been onsite much lately and don't know if you have posted this already but where are you having your surgery? Best wishes!
Postive Thoughts

Postive Thoughts

I hope you get this post. I forgot what day this is til Kay remended me. I will be praying for you and hope everything goes well tomorrow. I saw on your profile that I am 6 months older than you. I am 4 weeks and 3 days fron avr and doing fine. Hope you do as well , if not better. By Thursday you will be eating a little turkey and dressing--hope you enjoy.

God Bless,

Here's hoping HappyHeart's heart is happier come Tuesday evening. I wish you all the best.
Smiles, :)

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