VR.COM Is Under Attack!

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Oh my....did some one get him? How dare they invade US!!! :p
Are they headed for our homes or just our computers? Break out the ray guns.
Hank said:
Just don't send them towards the VR.com Leader!

Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'm thinking.
We'll have to come up with an appropriate disguise for you to wear Hank. ;)
Be prepared! :D
Oh My God....this is just too funny!!!!

Oh My God....this is just too funny!!!!

Well Ross, You have done it again....You have single handedly caused me to laugh so hard that I about didn't make it to the rest room...this is just too funny!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby :D :D :D :D
You know what I think is so funny, is not just the joke itself but how many people actually participate in along with it :D Dang it you guys made me laugh out loud at work and now I look like freak :eek: ...thanks a lot!
carista said:
You know what I think is so funny, is not just the joke itself but how many people actually participate in along with it :D Dang it you guys made me laugh out loud at work and now I look like freak :eek: ...thanks a lot!
Laughing is good for you and it doesn't make you look like a freak. ;)
Harrybaby666 said:
Well Ross, You have done it again....You have single handedly caused me to laugh so hard that I about didn't make it to the rest room...this is just too funny!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby :D :D :D :D

You guys crack me up!!...LOL :D :D :D ...What Harrybaby said....I am on lasix...so I almost didn't make to the bathroom either.... :eek: :p :p ..
Gotta save/bookmark these...my hubby just shakes his head whenever I show him jokes like this...he has such a devious sense of humor...