I saw the thread on scar healing under Heart Talk and thought of a joke that's been kicked about in cat show halls.
Last October I learned that a cat breeder in San Antonio had had CABG in the late spring. Several of us at that particular weekend's show had had OHS -- for VR or CABG -- and we proposed doing a fund-raiser calendar, to benefit rehoming cats, veterinary research, etc.
We'd show off our scars. Everyone would have to wear a paper bag over their head.
And everyone -- male as well as female -- would wear cocoanuts for a bra.
Then offer a prize if you can guess who is behind the paper bag and cocoanuts.
We think we have almost enough to make a year's calendar.

Last October I learned that a cat breeder in San Antonio had had CABG in the late spring. Several of us at that particular weekend's show had had OHS -- for VR or CABG -- and we proposed doing a fund-raiser calendar, to benefit rehoming cats, veterinary research, etc.
We'd show off our scars. Everyone would have to wear a paper bag over their head.
And everyone -- male as well as female -- would wear cocoanuts for a bra.
Then offer a prize if you can guess who is behind the paper bag and cocoanuts.
We think we have almost enough to make a year's calendar.