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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
The hospital that I've had all my many surgeries at called and asked me if I would volunteer in the ICU unit. I had orientation all day today. I have training on Thursday and my first day of acutal volunteering will be next Wednesday from 8-3. I'm really looking forward to it. Just maybe I can help someone else and their family during and after surgery. After all I've been there and done that! I've felt for some time that I need to be doing something. There's no way that I could hold a job but I do need to feel needed. I can only clean my house so many times. My husband said I was going to wear out the carpet if I continued to run the sweaper every day. Wish me luck! !
That's great Glenda! They'll be lucky to have such a warm and compassionate person like you to help out. I hope it all goes well and that you'll keep us posted on how you go with it.

All the best,
Anna : )
Oh, Glenda.........

Oh, Glenda.........

I think you will be a wonderful asset to the hospital. They are lucky to have you. And if you get really bored, you can come tackle my house - no fear of the carpet being swept away here, I assure you. ;) Hugs and good luck on your new calling. J.
Good for you!!

Good for you!!


That is so awesome!! How inspiring for the families and patient to have someone who has been through it there to help them. It's easy for anyone to say "Everything will be ok". But it will have much more impact from someone who has been there and has made it. I know you will be great!! The hospital is lucky to be getting you!!

Very nice

Very nice

Glenda. That sounds perfect and just like you! I'm sure you will be able to help immeasurably, especially for those who haven't had the support and guidance from the people here at this wonderful website. It will be very interesting to see how your experiences add to our lovely community.

Good for you. What a wonderful plan, and inspirational too! Smart people at that hospital of yours!!

:) Marguerite
Why didn't you tell me your were bored, lonely and needed something to do? Why I have plenty of things you could help me with. :D

Congrats. I hope you enjoy it as much as you possibly can. Just watch for those down turns and remember things happen.
Way to go Glenda. I started volunterring at the hosp. where I did my cardic rehab. I work one day in the gift shop and another day in cardic rehab. I felt after I made it through OHS I felt the need to give back. I was such a high to be alive. It feels great to give back! :D
Cool Beans Glenda!!!

Cool Beans Glenda!!!

I know just how you have been feeling....I am going to try and work part time after I have found another place to live. (Yes Folks, Harrybaby is on the hunt again for another place to live :eek: :eek: :eek: ) Meanwhile, I am thrilled for you and hope you get all the pleasure and love and satisfaction that you can receive from volunteering...Sending you tons of love and hugs and wishing you the best) Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Congrats, Glenda.....what a wonderful thing to do. You'll be absolutely perfect for the job!!! I KNOW you'll help those waiting for their loved ones in surgery, and post op.......Now, if you'd like to run that sweeper, come on down to Long Island!!! With three dogs, we're always in need of a great sweeperupper.......

It sounds like your hospital just got an angel to help them. They are fortunate!
I know that you will enjoy the time you spend there. Isn't it nice to know you'll be on the giving end this time?


I agree with all the others. I wish that our HeartCenter..adjoining our hospital..were nearer..But, it would be an hour drive down and back. My daughter lives a block away.....Just be careful..2 weeks ago, when my S/I/L was in there...posts all over about not bringing kids under the age of 15 in..due to the flu. Be careful and wash your hands. I loved the thing in my S/I/L's room.. On the wall, squirt a little in your hand..ect...Everyone that came in was asked to do it. Wash hands, ect.....Bonnie


Granbonny said:
squirt a little in your hand..

Please tell me they were talking about hand sanitizer........................
Sorry, couldn't resist. Glenda, we really are looking forward to hearing all about your first day. Hugs. J.