Voice Issue / Vocal Cord issues

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Aug 17, 2011
Crossett ar
Hello everyone:
Its been 16 weeks since surgery for Endocardits to remove my mechanical valve and replace it with a human valve.

I feel wonderful. In fact I used the chain saw to cut down a 75 foot oak tree last weekend and use a gas powered log splitter. I am still taking Amoxicillin 500 Mg TID.
About 1.2 billion units of Penicillin G was given to me over 8 weeks.

My voice is hoarse and I cant explain why. It was not this way when I left the hospital. I am taking Norvasc, clonidine, Toprol, HTCZ, and ASA - asprin 81 mg.

Does anyone have any thoughts why my voice is changing and hoarse?
I've read that some beta blockers, such as toprol, can cause hoarseness. I'm taking metoprolol (timed-release toprol), and I'm hoarse a lot of the time. My cardio still believes that the hoarseness is more due to my GERD than the meds, though. Guess time will tell.
Another occasional post-vent issue can be either: 1) damage to a certain nerve in the windpipe; OR 2) a granuloma developing on that same nerve. A member of our family suffered a life-threatening emergency due to the latter, four months after his vent experience, when the granuloma flipped up and cut off his airway. We were told then that it was very rare; but over the years here I think I recall a couple of other members who were also diagnosed with post-op/post-vent granulomas. An excellent ENT doctor/surgeon ought to be able to give you a diagnosis.

Hoping all continues well for you; best wishes :)
Oh also, immediately following emergent surgery to remove the granuloma, our family member's voice returned to normal, after having been "gravelly" for those four months.
iI remember some yrs ago we had another member with this problem. Like said above, it might have been tobago. Hope someone else will remember or maybe you can do a search for 'hoarseness' or 'throat problems' and find something from a long ago post,. Blessins..........
I had hoarseness, a "weakening" voice after my first valve surgery. It wasn't really apparent until after I got home, probably because everyone speaks softly in the hospital. It seemed they may have nicked the vocal cords with the tube or the esophogeal echo equipment or whatever else they may have had shoved down my throat at some point.

I would start speaking all right, but then at some point my voice would start to trail away to a hoarse whisper. I'm sure it was a popular effect with some people around me, as I'm known to like to talk. It was frustrating, but there really didn't seem to be anything to do about it. It took about a year to clear up. To this day, I still have it to some extent.

To Steve's point, GERD can do the same thing, and some beta blockers in some people may work on slowing down and softening the action of the esophogeal sphincters as well as those of the heart, which can lead to GERD. My cardiologist is trying out a dose of Hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic) in place of half of my beta blocker, to see if we can get around this. As I just started two days ago, I can't say whether it will work.

Best wishes,