Vlamus has passed away

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Many of you might not have known Vlamus (Thelma) very well (she had 27 posts on this board), but she was quite a regular contributor on the ACHA website where I was lucky enough to benefit from her experience, advice and friendship. Unfortunately she passed away 17th August, from what I believe was CHF.

She was such a lovely lady and I will miss her posts greatly.

Anna : (
I am sorry to hear that you have lost a friend. Some people add a touch to our lives that outweighs the time we actually spend with them, and can be sorely missed when they're gone.

Best wishes,
The family and yourself have my condolences also.

This has been a sad year for this forum. We lost more members this year alone, then in the sites lifespan.
I too remember Vlamus' posts. How terribly sad to hear of her passing.

Thank you for letting us know. My condolences to you and also to her family.

May God be with her.
Very sad. I checked out a few of her posts ... they were all so positive and upbeat. My condolences.
My sincere condolences to her family and friends. It is a time of reflection for all of us since we have all been given an extension of life but there are no guarantees of how long an extension.
Vlamus's last post on VR was only 3 weeks ago. Around the time she passed..so she was still thinking of us. So sorry, also read where she lost a sister to heart disease. Will pray for her family. bonnie
Anna - Sorry to hear about Thelma. I looked back on her past posts and she seemed very nice.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I only recently found out Thelma posted on this site as well, since she didn't post here quite as much as the ACHA site (Adult Congenital Heart Association).

I hope her family have been able to log in and see how many people's lives she has touched through these forums.

Anna, I am so very sorry of your loss and Thelma's Family's loss. It is a very difficult time and my thoughts are with you. I do not recall Thelma but will look at her posts. Anything like this on this VR website always touches me.Chin up.