Two-time AVR Vet
Hi there. Recently a family doctor, that is, a doctor in my family told me about the virtues of vitamin K2, MK7. He said this vitamin has many benefits for people with artificial valves, in my case bovine, by blocking calcium build-up around the foreign valve. I have not run this past my cardio yet; I'll see him next month. I'm just wondering if any one of my fellow AVR patients out there has heard similar stories, are taking this vitamin supplement, or were told not to take it. By the way, I am on Lipitor, and have been since my second surgery, which will be 10 years this November. And while on the subject of vitamins, I'll also ask my cardio about CoQ 10, which my doc heretofore has resisted putting me on. The latest I read on this from Cleveland Clinic website about CoQ 10 is they neither recommend nor discourage, that the studies are inconclusive. Your thoughts? Thank you for taking the time.