Vitamin K question

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I have been searching for info on food's vitamin K content today E(very little luck) But I have come across statements like the following:

"Rancid oils and fats, X-rays, radiation, aspirin, air pollution, and freezing of foods all destroy vitamin K, and mineral oil binds with K and rapidly eliminates it from the intestines. (Excerpted from
Staying Healthy with Nutrition)" Am I reading and comprehending the freezing part correctly? (or had the pumpheadness reared its ugly head again? Does it really mean that frozen spinach or broccoli vitamin K content none?

poppy cosh. It still has Vit K, maybe not as potent, but it's still there.

Case in point-

Broccoli, fresh/frozen, boiled 1/2 cup 113 ug/100gm
Brussels sprouts, fresh/frozen, boiled 5 sprouts 289 ug/100gm
Don't know Nadine, but you've raised a really interesting question. I'd love to think that I could eat all the frozen spinach and brocolli I wanted. I bet we've got a nutritional expert out there somewhere who can answer this.
Another Vit K puzzle

Another Vit K puzzle

I've noticed while reading labels I never see Vit K content. Maybe it's because there's only trace amounts or ???? Just curious.:confused:



If you notice on all vegitable and fruits that are package, either frozen or canned, never mention vitamin K or the content. That is what make label reading so hard when it never lists evereything. Go figure. Take care.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Some Insight

Some Insight

Zip & Caroline,

I have a little insight into this question. A while back Bonnie was talking about drinking V-8 when her INR was a little high. I was curious how much Vit K was in that juice because I happen to love it. I noticed that there was no Vit K content listed, so I wrote to Campbell's to request the info because Vit K content is critical to consumers on Coumadin/warfarin therapy. Here's the response I got....

Ms. Kristy W, we received your message and appreciate your taking the time to contact Campbell Soup Company about our V8 100% Vegetable Juice. We appreciate your interest in Campbell Soup Company.

We regret to inform you that we are unable to supply you with the information you requested. It is not required for any food company to analyze for Vitamin K and Campbell Soup does not analyze for Vitamin K. Please refer to the ingredient statement on each package for the most up to date information.

We hope this information is helpful to you. We appreciate feedback like yours because it helps us become aware of consumer preferences and concerns.

Thank you for visiting the V8 web-site.

V8 Web Team

As you can see, the government doesn't require it, so they don't do it!
Thanks for pursuing the information, Kristy, even though they wouldn't furnish it. I too love V-8, but have decided that I need to avoid it entirely. I wish I knew the Vitamin K content of, say, a 12 ounce can, and how much coumadin that would balance against.
I have used V-8 when my INR was high, and it most definitely brings it down, right down. That now seems a little dangerous to me, but it didn't seem near so dangerous not all that long ago.
FDA contact time

FDA contact time

Christy - that was an informative post, and it explains why there is so little informaton about vit K. Somebody needs to contact the FDA and explain how many Coumadin users there are (The usage of Coumadin is contained in The Pill Book) I hate to be the instigator of more red tape, but it seems like there is a serious information gap that the FDA needs to address. Not too long ago we had several posts that talked about hospitals giving valve patients the food suplement Insure (myself included) In this case the vit K was an additive and had to be listed. Apparently only naturally occurring vit K does not need to be listed ? Do we have someone who knows the way to contact FDA ?
Hi All,
I was just on the FDA site which is and there are several places where we can contact them by email or by phone which is an 800 number. I think we all need to contact them and let them know what we think needs to be done. Thanks

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Aortic Valve replacement with a St. Jude Mechanical with graft sleeve.
Poudre Valley Hospital, Heart Center of the Rockies
Just found my copy of "The Pill Book". Coumadin is the 32nd most prescribed drug in the country. Seems like FDA would be interested in helping that many people-but who knows ? Mark Twain once said "I'd rather have rats in my house than congress in session"

I agree that each one of us, when possible,could contact the FDA and as many food companies as possible. Maybe someone will care..heehee. Well, at least we can try to call attention to it.

Kristy, thanks for your insight and follow up on this. I think you got a few of us 'moving' on this!!! Every step foward helps.

Happy Monday everyone :) Zipper
Dave - Thanks for the FDA address. I just dropped them a note asking that they consider including naturally ocurring Vitamin A in the listing requirements for food products. Not all of our members spend time in the Coumadin section of the site. Any Ideas as to how to get the word out so more people contact FDA ? I'll be off line for a couple of days or I'd do it. Thanks for everybody's help., Chris
Hey Ross,

Any way to get the word out to everyone?

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Aortic Valve Replacement with a St. Jude with graft sleeve.
Poudre Valley Hospital, Heart Center of the Rockies.
We are a small majority here. Do any of you frequent other heart related forums? I know Nancy and Hensylee do. Maybe we should concentrate on aligning everyone on all heart related forums to send messages to the FDA. I'm not real sure it would help, but maybe even talk to your Congressman and see if an approach from that angle might not help.

Thinking, just thinking. A concerted effort might be the best thing.
Good idea Ross..I do belong to one Heart Club with a small membership. I posted a request in that forum for FDA contact by anyone who could or was interesed. If enough small groups got the message out, it might help. I notice most people are from the east or mid-west with only a few westcoasters. It might take more effort than we can gather to get attention. :confused: I appreciated the interest Nadine has stirred up by starting this thread!!!!:) Zipper
FDA Site

FDA Site

Thanks Dave for the address!

I did bring up the lack of vitamin K info at the lab today and the nurse that was doing the drawing seemed really interested. I know I am really getting upset over unable to find the info easily and most people would give up and not pay attention to their health if they tried find the info.

I am going to find time to gather some more info on coumadin usage, etc then send them a note with some facts and figures. When I finish my "homework' I will post some of the info. Hope to start it after rehab tomorrow. Wish me luck, today while searching I kept getting conflicting info. I know I can get some help from the cardio and maybe he can also get some of the dr's in his clinic (100+no all cardio) to help get this out to others.

If anyone wants to help or comes up with any info that might help please let me know. I know Al has a lot of info on his site, going back there after rehab.

"step off soap box"

Take care,
How about Kristy giving the web address for V-8. My guess is that if they got 100 or so e-mail messages saying something like, I used to drink V-8 before I had my heart surgery but now have to be careful of things that have vitamin K. I noticed that your can does not list this information..Could you give it to me so that I can make a decision about resuming drinking V-8? Maybe they don't have too analyze it but I'll bet they could if they got enough pressure. The VR membership is big enough to make a difference.
The VR membership is big enough to make a difference.
.......but 1 Al Lodwick is worth more then 700+ members at VR. :) Tell me you have a Vitamin K testing facility in your home. :D
If I did, I would tell you what the composition of V-8 is.

I'm only like a bank, I store what I learned from all of you. My guess is that if any one of you got paid to work full time with warfarin, you would know every bit as much as I do. It wasn't too many years ago that I was a Kmart pharmacist and all I did was to see how many prescriptions I could fill in one day without getting a lunch or bathroom break in a 12 hour day.