Vitamin E

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Two-time AVR Vet
Nov 19, 2003
What is the skinny about Vitamin E? Anybody out there advised to take it? Just curious because I see on the bottle that it is supposed to be heart healthy, or words to that effect. I have not spoken to my doc yet. Just wondering what the mood is out there about this vitamin, its usage, and benefits, if any.

Thank you.
Funny you should ask about Vitamin E

Funny you should ask about Vitamin E

I was going to ask the same question. I am really starting to get into organic foods and I'm becoming very anti meds (even aspirin). I have my final follow up with my surgeon who performed AVR (bovine peracardial) and some aorta replacement 7/21/05. I am on 1 regular sized aspirin a day. I want to get off the aspirin and any and all drugs (code word for toxins). I want to replace the aspirin with Vitamin E. I believe that if you are careful and take high quality Vitamin E, it will prevent clots every bit as much as aspirin. I'm still looking into it. It also has numerous other benefits. If you have an artificial valve, you would need to be careful to monitor the effect of Vitamin E with Cumadin. Don't expect much support from your traditional cardio of GP on this. Go to and type in Vitamin E in the search engine to get more info.
My cardiologist recommends not taking Vitamin E. He says that there is little benefit, and growing evidence of problems. I do take Vitamin C and at cardio's additional suggestion, now take fish oil - to raise my HDL.
Tom - I think the negative findings regarding vitamin E ingestion are dosage-driven. I have taken E for all of my adult life (too long to admit!), but I saw an article a year or two ago that linked some complications to those patients taking more than 400 IU per day of the stuff. I have reduced my dosage, but haven't cut it out.

Vitamin E is said to be another of the anti-oxidants. Who can tell what it has done for me? Not I. . . but I can't complain about life, either!

I was skeptical of one of the latest reports with negative conclusions after I found out that the study group was elderly people that already had problems. But my cardio said that there are other studies and kept repeating "little benefit". This is the guy that ok'd marathoning, so I know he has an open mind and doesn't simply take that path of least published risk.