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I have my first appointment with Dr. Bavaria (surgeon at Univ of Penn hospital who specializes in aortas) on 7/5/05. I am gathering data from various sources in preparation for this first visit. Should I show up with the actual video tapes (or whatever media) from my last 2 echoes and the stress echo, or just the written reports? I'm leaning in the the direction that more is better (i.e., bring tapes).

I am also in the process of scheduling a cardiac CT Scan so he has as much data as possible on my aortic root and ascending aorta dilations. Again, I am assuming the films are better than the report so I'll attempt to bring them also. I am just venting (fretting?) now but I am real anxious to get data on these two anomalies.

Is there anything else I should show up with? Perhaps a shinny red apple.
I too think that the more the better. I had copies of my actual heart cath and echos sent to my surgeon but brought written reports on everything. The hand carried stuff was more helpful since the actual copies of the films somehow got delayed and only the hand carried files were available for our initial consultation.

I hope all goes well with you and you get the answers you need.
My surgeon asked only for the recordings of my CT's and echos--didn't want the reports. I got copies of the reports for myself and found them to be so disparate as to be useless as far as being able to compare one report to the other (my aneurysm didn't really get smaller between echos!).

As far as scrambling to get another imaging study before seeing the surgeon in early July, it might be better to find out what the surgeon's preference is. It's possible he considers an MRA most definitive, or maybe he'd like to have a CT done at a facility with a new 64-slice machine or whatever.

P. J.
The surgeon's office told me what they wanted before my initial visit. That included heart caths, most recent echo and the carotid ultrasound. They also asked for the reports that went with them.

When in doubt, call and ask.
Response to PJMOMRUNNER et al

Response to PJMOMRUNNER et al

Thankx all for the responses.

For PJmomrunner, you gave me some food for thought. I was debating whether to (scramble to) get the CT scan now and show up with the films or wait for the surgeon to order one at (potentially) better contrast (you had mentioned 64 slice or something). I will call the surgeon's office today to ask that question. Thank you.

By the way, what is an MRA? You had said he may decide that an MRA is more definitive.
MRA is an MRI with contrast. I've not had one, but I hear it's similar to a CT with contrast where they get an image, then inject you with dye (or an isotope or something) and can compare the two images to get a better visualization of the anatomy.
Thank you PJ

Thank you PJ

That's interesting because I asked if there was any test other than a CT scan (with its equivalence to about 100 chest X-rays) :eek: that could be used to get a handle on my dilation issues and BAV severity. This site is so informative!!! Thankx again, PJ!
In the last few weeks, a member posted that same "equivalent to 100 chest x-rays" figure, and then someone came along and disputed it. Maybe they will chime in again.

Who is writing the orders to have your tests run? I really would wait until after you see the surgeon, and let him decide what he does, or doesn't, want done.

If you haven't had a right/left heart cath, he will probably schedule one. The caths serve to show if you have any blockages along with giving him more information on the root and any possible dilations.