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I am 2 1/2 months post op. I had minimally invasive Mitral Valve repair that went well. Yesterday while just sitting I felt something on my right eye I looked in a mirror and saw what looked like a white cloud or cotton ball I cound not see through it. In a few minutes it left and I remember having the same thing aout 1 month earlier. However this time my right eye stayed blurry.If I covered my right eye I could read well from the left eye. however if I covered the left eye the right eye sees writing as blury. I waited a few hours and it did not go away so I went to my Optho. He examined my eyes and took several tests for at least an hour. found nothing. Made a appointment for me to see a Retinal specialist this morning. By morning the right eye had cleared up. Opth 2 examined the eye and thought it could be one of a few things either age related, it is a neurological brain thing, or might be from the surgery.I have a appointment Monday for a Fluorescein angiogram and Thursday to see a NeuroOpthomologist. I had occular migraines for about the first month after surgery but they finally left. I am very frightened and do not not what to think