Vision Problem

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
I am 2 1/2 months post op. I had minimally invasive Mitral Valve repair that went well. Yesterday while just sitting I felt something on my right eye I looked in a mirror and saw what looked like a white cloud or cotton ball I cound not see through it. In a few minutes it left and I remember having the same thing aout 1 month earlier. However this time my right eye stayed blurry.If I covered my right eye I could read well from the left eye. however if I covered the left eye the right eye sees writing as blury. I waited a few hours and it did not go away so I went to my Optho. He examined my eyes and took several tests for at least an hour. found nothing. Made a appointment for me to see a Retinal specialist this morning. By morning the right eye had cleared up. Opth 2 examined the eye and thought it could be one of a few things either age related, it is a neurological brain thing, or might be from the surgery.I have a appointment Monday for a Fluorescein angiogram and Thursday to see a NeuroOpthomologist. I had occular migraines for about the first month after surgery but they finally left. I am very frightened and do not not what to think
I have not had what you are describing. I hope they can help you and it is nothing serious. Could it be a visual migraine? Hope they figure it out.
I had very little blurred vision on and off but for a very short time after surgery. But before surgery, one day I felt as I could not read the stree sign well. My opthalmologist being very busy that day decided to send me to a retina doctor as I could not see well while he was testing me. I went to a retina doctor...through all the trouble...all the tests, one after the the end there was nothing wrong.

Just a thought...are you diabetic or pre-diabetic. I heard if diabetes is high sometimes it may affect one's vision.

Good luck. I hope it is nothings more than post surgery stress.
Eva I am not diabetic or pre diabetic. I ormally wear contact lenses and can not know, I am not crazy about taking this test I have been through a lot in past few months. My surgery went well every thing else was a problem. I had horrible GI bleeding after Mitral Valve repair and spent 15 dayds in hospital plus days in ER. My teeth are a problem not even sure whats wrong but can not fix them for 6 months. Now this crazy eye problem. Dont know what to do.
Hall Have had migraines since I could remember. I heard of occular migraines but what are visual migraaines. I even had a PFO fixed in my heart which is a little hole between the chambers. It is supposed to stop migraines well it rarely workds and did not work for me
Eva I am not diabetic or pre diabetic. I ormally wear contact lenses and can not know, I am not crazy about taking this test I have been through a lot in past few months. My surgery went well every thing else was a problem. I had horrible GI bleeding after Mitral Valve repair and spent 15 dayds in hospital plus days in ER. My teeth are a problem not even sure whats wrong but can not fix them for 6 months. Now this crazy eye problem. Dont know what to do.
Hall Have had migraines since I could remember. I heard of occular migraines but what are visual migraaines. I even had a PFO fixed in my heart which is a little hole between the chambers. It is supposed to stop migraines well it rarely workds and did not work for me

You sound as bad as me. Are you my missing relative?
I'm almost afraid to say what I'm thinking...

ONE sided events *can be* a sign of a 'Brain thing'...

whenever I get a "vision anomoly", I chew either 1/2 or a full 325 mg plain Aspirin, "just in case", with the blessing of my Cardiologist.

Optical Migraines tend to 'go away' in 20 to 60 minutes.

Anything that lasts longer should probably be looked at, maybe even worth a visit to the ER for a Catscan, especially if it is one sided. And for one sided things, the sooner, the better.
I have not had a visual migraine since surgery. There have been threads on this. I see a zig-zag half moon design flashing, but only in one eye. Al was right, it lasts about 20 min. It was just a thought.
My visual migraines are usually one-sided, which my ophthalmologist said was common. I have a flying saucer- shaped visual object that haunts me on occasion, in my right eye. Once I had to walk around in a drug store for almost twenty minutes, waiting for it to "take off," so I could drive without interference. When it's in my left eye, it's less frequent, and less interesting blob shapes.

There is also a "veil" or "curtain" effect that many have spoken of, which can partially or mostly block the vision in one or both eyes.

People who have dived into heavy neurological testing out of a need to know what was affecting them have been generally disappointed, because these can be difficult to diagnose, and when they are, it is usually just to class them as a generic migraine type.

Something of the level you seem to have experienced can be caused by tiny blood clots or minute, shattered calcium fragments. The fact that it has passed is good, though, and hopefully, your retinal ophthalmologist won't find anything concering with his equipment either.

Best wishes,

Hopefully, what you experienced was just an extended and scary episode of atypical (a.k.a. optical, visual) migraine.
On Monday a Retinal Ophthalmologist is doing a test called Fluorescein angiogram. On Thursday seeing a NeuroOpthomologist. I have twice had this white puff that looks like a cloud or cotton ball cover my right eye. I can not see throught it. the two times I had it left in less than five minutes but I am scared. I know one sided events can be serious, but I have had Migraines since I can remember. When I had my surgery they closed the PFO in my heart (hole in heart). It took 4 stitches to close it which is a large hole usually takes 2. So luckly did not have any horrible events. However the closing of the PFO did not get rid of my migraines as they rarely do. After surgery had occular migraines at least daily before that I rarely had one. I hope this doctor can find out what these white things are. I have been having many bad things happen to me since May of 06, its time they stopped,
,<snip> ..... When I had my surgery they closed the PFO in my heart (hole in heart). It took 4 stitches to close it which is a large hole usually takes 2. So luckly did not have any horrible events. However the closing of the PFO did not get rid of my migraines as they rarely do. After surgery had occular migraines at least daily before that I rarely had one. I hope this doctor can find out what these white things are. I have been having many bad things happen to me since May of 06, its time they stopped,

I had PFO repaired as well but never had migraine in any form prior to my surgeries and not after my first. I now have occular migraine with oval zig zag or half oval. I've had it in both eyes but mostly left. I have noticed I have not had it for a little while now. They used to last about 20 minutes.

I still have optical migraine in both eyes, never both at the same time, but no headache and they pass within moments.....very quickly.

Maybe there is some connection between PFO repair and optical migraine? Something I'll ask my cardio (or opthamologist) at next appointment.
I think optical migraines only come in one eye. I can not remember having one in both eyes at the same time. It is usually the left althought today I had one in the right.
The reason they repair PFO's is they can cause problems so while they are fixing something there anyway might as well take a couple of stitches to close the PFO.
Take Care
I had some blurred vision in my right eye. Started taking a vitamin with Luthin in it along with bearberry and bayberry and has helped. It gives a clearer vision and has helped with the blurry vision. Ask your eye dr about that. Maybe it can help. It might be worth a try. Let us know how the test comes out.
I had optical migraine (without headaches) a couple of months after my OHS. The lasted 10-20 minutes or so. I have now had a non-invasive stent procedure and a much more invasive vascular surgery and have them again, but so far only twice in a week.

I have heard they are likely related to local pressure issues in the brain after the surgery and that they are in most cases not dangerous in themselves.

I saw the Opth. today who is a retina specialist. He did a test called a Fluorescein angiogram. He thought every thing looked good. Now on Thursday I go to a NeuroOptho On Wednesday I see the surgeon who operated on my Mitral valve to see if there is still fluid in my chest and my blood count has gone up as I had anemia after surgery.I used to have optical migraines maybe 2 or 3 times a year after heart surgery I was getting them daily. I am a headache and migraine sufferer. They closed a PFO in my heart as that often helps get rid of migraines did not work on me. I worry about my migraines. People with migraines have a 50% greater chance of having a stroke than those without migraines. It you have an aura before a migraine even higher. I do take eye vitamins with Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and the other things CThrock mentioned. I think a lot of my problems come from much of the stress I have suffered over the last 3 years. I think we all have to take care of our migraines our selves because unless you find a doctor who has migraines no one is any help
glad to hear the good news about your retina and I hope that all will go well on Thursday.

We all tend to become anemic after on the border...I take a multivitamin one a day since surgery. Didn't you take any?!

Good luck.
Eva. I take 15 vitamins a day. I am also takining iron pills now for anema. Reminds me of when I was a child allways anemic. My cardio said my blood has been getting better. I lost a lot of blood I guess from the surgery but I also had GI bleeds which I dont know why. Seeing the surgeon again tomorrow. He wants to see if I have fluid on the lungs or chest. I hope not. So tired of going to doctors.
After my surgery my vision blurred a bit, especially in my left eye. So a couple weeks ago I went in to get reading glasses, never needed glasses before. I always had 20/10 vision, until now. The doctor said my long distance vision is still good. I also had anemia after surgery but getting better now.