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So I went to my cardio yesterday cause I had a really bad echo come back.. I have been battling a very very small flare... I mean sed rate was 25 CRP 4.5... But chest pain was so severe it was so uncomfortable just to sit, short of breath walking and I couldnt lay down... So saw the cardio, she comes in sits down and says well I think that we need to wait till your lupus is under control and do the echo again... now I have been on prednisone for 4 weeks, 2 weeks of 40 mg and the bumped me up to 60 mg that I have been on for 2 weeks now... I have no swelling or joint pain, no rash... I mean as far as I know my lupus is under control... I need you opinion, does this sound like lupus that could be effecting my heart? I was told I have severe aortic stenois & mitral stenosis... apparently my tricupid valve has some damage too but she wouldnt tell me... I feel like these doctors are just trying to make excuses, and if it is the lupus is causes heart problems, still why wouldnt you want to fix it??
Oh just to add, I had my aortic valve replaced 2 years ago, tricuspid repaired & partial paricardictomy...
Oh just to add, I had my aortic valve replaced 2 years ago, tricuspid repaired & partial paricardictomy...