Very scared

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I have not posted in a few days. I saw my surgeon last Tuesday. I was asked some questions that I really didn't have the answers to. I am not sure why, but I just don't ask a lot questions. I feel like knowing too much can be worse. Well after getting the answers, I am not sure if I feel better or not. He is going to have to put a cross incision in my aortic root and try to get a 21mm mechanical valve to fit. If that does not work he is going to put in a 19mm valve. I feel like a broke car getting mechanical work done. He seems to be real comfortable about it and says he will be in and out in 2 1/2 hours. He also told me I was going to feel like a new person once this is over with. I am trying to be strong for my family, but it is really getting tough. My surgery is scheduled for Friday morning at 0730. One moment I am excited about getting it over with and feeling better and the next moment I am dreading it horribly. I haven't found my happy medium yet and I really want to be positive going into it. I have everything in order. I am working up to the day of the surgery. I don't think I could sit around the house. Has anyone had this type of procedure done before.
Dear Melanie,

Just want to wish you the best on your upcoming surgery. I know you will do just fine & you will definitely feel like a brand new person in no time! You might even ask yourself, after it's all over, why you couldn't have had it done sooner! :) Take it from someone who's been there 3-times! The fear of the unknown is normal but just keep in mind that there are countless others that have been there already & are here to talk to you & encourage you!

Hang in there my friend! You're in my prayers! :)
Hi Melanie,
I think your almost there in finding your happy medium.
Stay positive. Your gonna get this done and feel better in the long run.
We are all behind you wishing you the best.
I think only thing you have to think about is: who is going to keep us up to date with your progress while your in the hospital?
Good know how we worry if we don't hear anything.
Take Care, your in my prayers
I really want to thank you all for being here. I can not put into words how much it helps being able to log on and read what everyone has to say. I don't plan on being out of pocket too long, but I will have my sister keep you up to date.

I know exactly how you are feeling. When the cardiologist and then the surgeon described what needed doing with me, my initial thought was, 'no way!" Replace not just the valve but the entire aortic root -- can they do that?

Well, yes, they knew what needed doing and how to do it. The quality of my life has improved enormously. I am confident it will be the same for you.

I honestly don't know if your surgeon needed to be so specific in possible alternative scenarios for the surgery, but it is a fact often recognized on here that plans can change when they go in and get a better look than echos and such can provide. Just be reassured that they do know how to make it all come together for the best.

All best wishes to you...
I remember that the more info I got, the more I panicked. And I was trying to hide from the inevitable.
(My valve is also 21mm and I don't know how they got it in there....I am a small frame person.)
So, just do it!
Being scared is normal. I sure was. I didn't ask a lot of questions, either. I figured the experts knew what they were doing, and too much info would just confuse me and add to the fear. Best wishes and good luck.
Melanie, it's funny but when we watched the video of Dr. Cohn performing AVR before Dick had his surgery, we were very struck by the fact that it was "very mechanical"- almost like working on a car engine. It sounds like you are in good hands and you will be fine. I hope you feel the "peace" that many have spoken of as you enter the hospital doors on Friday. Godspeed!
First, it sounds as if you have confidence regarding the surgeon, even if the discussion was rather clinical and dry. As for the unasked questions - call the doc's office and tell them you have some additional questions. Oftentimes, the RNs and PAs will be able to answer them for you if the cardiologist or surgeon is unavailable at the moment.

I think it's only normal that you are frightened about your upcoming surgery - it's terrifying to, literally, put your heart in someone's hands. You have family - perhaps you could let them be strong for you, instead of the other way around? :)

Wishing you an entirely uneventful surgery and speedy recovery,
Everyone goes into it with different feelings. My AVR was a little over 8 weeks ago. You can count on some pain after surgery that will be mostly be handled with medication. The only uncomfortable part for me was coughing for about the first week post and sneezing for about two weeks. Not sure what your symptoms are now but, from my experience, your energy level will mount quickly as will your attitude and outlook on life. Insofar as the operation is concerned, you go in and get prepped (no big deal) and you're out until recovery. A groggy day later and you're on the road to recovery.
A reason to be really happy is that medicine has progressed so far as to make this type of thing almost routine. Had I needed my operation when first diagnosed the dr's would have scratched their heads.
Best wishes and prayers to you.
I am trying to be strong for my family, but it is really getting tough. My surgery is scheduled for Friday morning at 0730. One moment I am excited about getting it over with and feeling better and the next moment I am dreading it horribly. I haven't found my happy medium yet and I really want to be positive going into it. I have everything in order. I am working up to the day of the surgery. I don't think I could sit around the house. Has anyone had this type of procedure done before.


I, as well as probably almost everyone on this forum, either in the waiting room or post surgical seem to have this feeling. It seems a common thread- almost bi-polar!:D One moment I am happy to be getting this over with and coming out the other side feeling better (I already decided to renew our wedding vows:;), take another cruise:cool: and take my wife to see "Love" at the Mirage in Las Vegas:)) My therapist told me to have something planned after the surgery to look forward to. Up to this point, I have not been planning anything for the future. As I thought about it, I acted like I will not be able to enjoy the next phase of my life following surgery. We all need to look forward and beyond our surgeries. I think it is a good thing to work up to surgery. I plan on doing that too.

Good luck to you and I am praying for a good outcome for you.
I think that you will find that it is not near as bad as you might think.....I feel like a new chimp with my mechanical ticker:D.....wishing you the very best!!!:)
What you're experiencing is totally normal. It's a huge thing! Trying to convince yourself that it's not is fruitless. But it's a thing that many gifted surgeons do every day and do it well. But this time immediately before surgery is the pits!