Very brief first post post-op from home

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Paleowoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 13, 2010
Surrey, UK
Keeping this brief as not too well. OHS successful last Monday. Got home yesterday evening. Problems post op. Lot of pain probably due to being very small frame and depressed sternum which would have meant more 'bending' and stretching of ligaments, and pulling of bones. Also had fever till Saturday. On Friday they discovered I had urinary tract infection which was causing fever. Lot of fluid retention still. Also fell over yesterday soon after I got home - rang hospital they told me to take more pain killers - taking tramadol and some kind of codeine which is not really helping. Only time pain was well controlled was when I was in ICU Monday evening till Tuesday afternoon. Have not eaten more than an egg or two and a glass of milk per day, mostly drinking water only. Will update and give more details when I feel a bit better.
Anne great to hear from you the otherside. It should only get better over the next few days. Six days in hospital is a good turn around time post surgery. The first 7-10 days post surgery is the best diet I have ever been on. Look forward to your next post.
Hi Anne!
All these minor problems, even if very annoying, i am sure will quickly resolve. The most important is that your heart problem is fixed.
You will be fine!
Congratulations! Those first few weeks were rough for me too, although it sounds like my pain wasn't as bad. Just grin and bear it for a little longer. I didn't have an appetite either, so they told me to eat anything I wanted, no matter how bad, until I got my appetite back, then start eating healthy again. I had lots of milkshakes and cheeseburgers. :)
Congrats to being on the other side, you're an inspiration to those like me in the waiting room. Hope you feel better soon.
Congrats on being home from the hospital. Glad the surgery is behind you now. Take it easy and take time to rest to recover. All these issues should resolve soon. Glad you are home and healing up.
Try to eat if you can. You need the energy to recover. Consider protein shakes dissolved in juice. Good luck and hang in there!
anne welcome to the other side, just take it easy and rest up, eat what you feel like and remember its all gonna get better from here,
Welcome back!!!! Glad to hear that you're home - I also remember not eating a whole lot right after surgery (and protein shakes are an excellent idea) - when I finally did get my taste-buds back I could eat all day long and not gain any weight for the first few weeks - it was GREAT!

Take your time and heal!!!!
Keeping this brief as not too well. OHS successful last Monday. Got home yesterday evening. Problems post op. Lot of pain probably due to being very small frame and depressed sternum which would have meant more 'bending' and stretching of ligaments, and pulling of bones. Also had fever till Saturday. On Friday they discovered I had urinary tract infection which was causing fever. Lot of fluid retention still. Also fell over yesterday soon after I got home - rang hospital they told me to take more pain killers - taking tramadol and some kind of codeine which is not really helping. Only time pain was well controlled was when I was in ICU Monday evening till Tuesday afternoon. Have not eaten more than an egg or two and a glass of milk per day, mostly drinking water only. Will update and give more details when I feel a bit better.
Hi Anne,
So good to have you back.
You poor thing fancy falling over, how did that happen? I know you are on a special diet but just try and eat anything you fancy you need your strength to heal
Will be in touch
Deb x
Keeping this brief as not too well. OHS successful last Monday. Got home yesterday evening. Problems post op. Lot of pain probably due to being very small frame and depressed sternum which would have meant more 'bending' and stretching of ligaments, and pulling of bones. Also had fever till Saturday. On Friday they discovered I had urinary tract infection which was causing fever. Lot of fluid retention still. Also fell over yesterday soon after I got home - rang hospital they told me to take more pain killers - taking tramadol and some kind of codeine which is not really helping. Only time pain was well controlled was when I was in ICU Monday evening till Tuesday afternoon. Have not eaten more than an egg or two and a glass of milk per day, mostly drinking water only. Will update and give more details when I feel a bit better.
So glad to hear from you. You did it! The first week or so seems to be the worst. I hope you can get your pain under control. That is too bad as I didn't have alot of pain post-op . Hopefully you can get it sorted out. You know the (what you can) (if you can). You were given some good ideas about food. FWIW...I am a chocolate lover and some people gave me chocolate as a 'get well' gift. I couldn't stand the sight or smell of it for the first 2 weeks. That didn't last long. :)

Be gentle with your self and take things one day at a time...

Take care,
I am glad to hear that you made it home. It is common to have little setbacks after having surgery. As time goes on you will get stronger. Look forward to the first day of spring because you will feel so much better. Sending you some spring flowers:

Try to eat and be sure to take some drugs for constipation. The drugs that they give to put you to sleep and pain medicine can cause constipation. I took Colace and drank prune juice for constipation. I had two enemas in the hospital before going home. Ouch!

You need to try to eat so you can build your strength back up. A fruit smoothie with protein power would be good for you to drink. Remember to do your breathing exercises.

Sending hugs and welcome to the other side and keep us posted on your recovery.

I am thinking about you in this post surgery week. I sincerely hope you are able to get on top of the pain. And that every day is better and better. Thank you for posting, as my thoughts have been on you this past week.
Anne, welcome to the other side !

Recovery can be slow and sometimes takes a small step back, but focus on one day at a time.

Drink enough water or milk, and find some foods that you like. In the first couple of weeks I ate bran muffins in the morning, some egg sandwich at lunch, and whatever I
could at dinner.

Stool softener pill every day is a great help, since many painkillers and lack of activity can constipate you.

Rest OFTEN. :)
So good to hear from you but sorry you have been suffering pain. Percocet worked well for me both surgeries but hopefully as you heal your pain will resolve very soon.

As soon as you feel up to it, you likely will find walking as much as you can to be hugely helpful. While good nutrition is important, if you can't eat right now there's little you can do but try your best. You've commented before about good eating so as soon as you are able, you will get back to healthful eating.

Wishing you all the best. Thank you for checking in with us. We've been thinking about you.
Congrats on making it through! Remember to keep telling yourself that its only going to get better. You just have to 'weather the storm', so to speak. I had alot of pain as well, but it will go away and you'll be feeling more normal before you know it. Make sure you rest alot and drink lots of fluids to help counter the effects of all of those pain meds (i.e. constipation).
Good to hear from you. Hang in there! Keep trying different foods. You might stumble upon something that motivates you to eat a bit more. Even if it's cookies and chocolate milk, that's better than nothing.